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1741 endoxos {en'-dox-os}   
源自 1722 and 1391; TDNT - 2:254,178; 形容詞   
AV - glorious 2, gorgeously 1, honourable 1; 4   
1) 德高望重的, 有聲望的   
  1a) 傑出的, 榮譽的, 受尊敬的,    
  1b) 顯著的, 光榮的   
  1c) 有光彩的   
      1c1) 指衣裳   
      1c2) 比喻用法, 無罪自由的

1741 endoxos {en'-dox-os} from 1722 and 1391; TDNT - 2:254,178; adj AV - glorious 2, gorgeously 1, honourable 1; 4 1) held in good or in great esteem, of high repute 1a) illustrious, honourable, esteemed 1b) notable, glorious 1c) splendid 1c1) of clothing 1c2) fig., free from sins

