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1345 dikaioma {dik-ah'-yo-mah}   
源於 1344; TDNT - 2:219,168; 中性名詞   
AV - righteousness 4, ordinance 3, judgment 2, justification 1; 10   
1) 指那些被認為是對的而具有類似法律效力的事   
   1a) 依法律而制定建立起的事, 訓令, 條例, 法規, 儀式   
   1b) 法官的判決, 刑罰   
       1b1) 指神的判定   
           1b1a) 有利的判決, 被神所宣告無罪且接受的人   
           1b1b) 不利的判決: 定罪的判決   
2) 公義的行動或行為

1345 dikaioma {dik-ah'-yo-mah} from 1344; TDNT - 2:219,168; n n AV - righteousness 4, ordinance 3, judgment 2, justification 1; 10 1) that which has been deemed right so as to have force of law 1a) what has been established, and ordained by law, an ordinance 1b) a judicial decision, sentence 1b1) of God 1b1a) either the favourable judgment by which he acquits man and declares them acceptable to Him 1b1b) unfavourable: sentence of condemnation 2) a righteous act or deed

