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2387 Iambres {ee-am-brace'}   
源自埃及文; TDNT - 3:192,344; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Jambres 1; 1   
佯庇 = "口吐白沫的巫醫"   
1) 烊庇與雅尼是兩名埃及法師,在法老面前模仿亞倫   
   所行的神蹟 (#提後 3:8|)

2387 Iambres {ee-am-brace'} of Egyptian origin; TDNT - 3:192,344; n pr m AV - Jambres 1; 1 Jambres = "foamy healer" 1) he and Jannes, were two Egyptian magicians who in the presence of Pharaoh imitated the miracles of Aaron in order to destroy his influence with the king. The author of the epistle derived their names from the tradition of the Talmudists and the Rabbins

