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964 Bethesda {bay-thes-dah'}   
of 亞蘭文 origin [cf 01004 and 02617];; 專有地名   
AV - Bethesda 1; 1   
畢士大= "仁慈之屋" 或 "流動的泉水"   
1) 靠近耶路撒冷羊門的一個池子, 其水具有醫病的療效 (#約 5:2|)

964 Bethesda {bay-thes-dah'} of Aramaic origin [cf 01004 and 02617];; n pr loc AV - Bethesda 1; 1 Bethesda = "house of mercy" or "flowing water" 1) the name of a pool near the sheep-gate at Jerusalem, whose waters had curative powers

