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4690 sperma {sper'-mah}   
源自 4687; TDNT - 7:536,1065; 中性名詞   
欽定本 - seed 43, issue 1; 44   
1) 植物發芽生長的源頭   
   1a) 種子, 亦即穀粒或果仁, 內有將來植物的胚芽   
       1a1) 灑下去的穀粒或果仁   
   1b) 隱喻, 餘種, 亦即剩餘的人, 或倖存的人, 留   
       作下一代的種子 (就像收割時會保留種子作為   
2) 男人的精液   
   2a) 精液的產品, 子孫, 兒女, 子女, 後裔   
   2b) 家族, 種族, 後代   
   2c) 具有生命力的東西   
       2c1) 屬於聖靈所賜的上帝的活力, 在我們心   
            靈中運行, 我們因此心意更新

4690 sperma {sper'-mah} from 4687; TDNT - 7:536,1065; n n AV - seed 43, issue 1; 44 1) from which a plant germinates 1a) the seed i.e. the grain or kernel which contains within itself the germ of the future plants 1a1) of the grains or kernels sown 1b) metaph. a seed i.e. a residue, or a few survivors reserved as the germ of the next generation (just as seed is kept from the harvest for the sowing) 2) the semen virile 2a) the product of this semen, seed, children, offspring, progeny 2b) family, tribe, posterity 2c) whatever possesses vital force or life giving power 2c1) of divine energy of the Holy Spirit operating within the soul by which we are regenerated



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