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4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on}   
源自拉丁文; 中性名詞   
AV - judgment hall 4, hall of judgment 1, common hall 1,   
     praetorium 1, palace 1; 8   
1) 總督府, 總督(或皇家)警衛

4232 praitorion {prahee-to'-ree-on} of Latin origin;; n n AV - judgment hall 4, hall of judgment 1, common hall 1, praetorium 1, palace 1; 8 1) "head-quarters" in a Roman camp, the tent of the commander-in-chief 2) the palace in which the governor or procurator of a province resided, to which use the Romans were accustomed to appropriate the palaces already existing, and formerly dwelt in by kings or princes; at Jerusalem it was a magnificent palace which Herod the Great had built for himself, and which the Roman procurators seemed to have occupied whenever they came from Caesarea to Jerusalem to transact public business 3) the camp of the Praetorian soldiers established by Tiberius

