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相關經文 回前一頁
4067 peripsema {per-ip'-say-mah}   
源自4012的比較級與 psao (擦拭); TDNT - 6:84,*; 中性名詞   
AV - offscouring 1; 1   
1) 塵土, 渣滓 (#林前 4:13|)   

4067 peripsema {per-ip'-say-mah} from a comparative of 4012 and psao (to rub); TDNT - 6:84,*; n n AV - offscouring 1; 1 1) what is wiped off 2) dirt rubbed off 3) off scouring, scrapings The Athenians, in order to avert public calamities, yearly threw a criminal into the sea as an offering to Poseidon; hence the term became used for an expiatory offering, a ransom, for our child, i.e. in comparison with the saving of our son's life let it be to us a despicable and worthless thing. It is used of a man who in behalf of religion undergoes dire trials for the salvation of others.



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