字典搜尋結果 共有 12 筆

01875 darash {daw-rash'} 字根型; TWOT - 455; 動詞 AV - seek 84, enquire 43, require 12, search 7, misc 18; 164 1) 光顧, 探索, 小心地尋找, 查詢, 需要 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 光顧, 常去 (某地), (在某地上走) 1a2) 與…商量, 查詢, 尋找 1a2a) 上帝 1a2b) 異教徒的眾神, 巫師 1a3) 在禱告中尋找神及敬拜 1a3a) 上帝 1a3b) 異教徒的女神 1a4) 尋找 (因著需要), 要求, 需要 1a5) 調查, 詢問 1a6) 要求, 需要, 請求 1a7) 實行, 研究, 跟隨, 專心尋求 1a8) 小心地尋找, 照料 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) 允許自己被打聽, 被商量 (只有被上帝) 1b2) 被找尋, 被尋見 1b3) 被要求(生命力)

01875 darash {daw-rash'} a primitive root; TWOT - 455; v AV - seek 84, enquire 43, require 12, search 7, misc 18; 164 1) to resort to, seek, seek with care, enquire, require 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to resort to, frequent (a place), (tread a place) 1a2) to consult, enquire of, seek 1a2a) of God 1a2b) of heathen gods, necromancers 1a3) to seek deity in prayer and worship 1a3a) God 1a3b) heathen deities 1a4) to seek (with a demand), demand, require 1a5) to investigate, enquire 1a6) to ask for, require, demand 1a7) to practice, study, follow, seek with application 1a8) to seek with care, care for 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to allow oneself to be enquired of, consulted (only of God) 1b2) to be sought, be sought out 1b3) to be required (of blood)
03854 lahag {lah'-hag} 字根已不使用 意為 渴望的; TWOT - 1078a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - study 1; 1 1) 讀書, 學習, 專心求學

03854 lahag {lah'-hag} from an unused root meaning to be eager; TWOT - 1078a; n m AV - study 1; 1 1) study, studying, devotion to study
06445 panaq {paw-nak'} 字根型; TWOT - 1784; 動詞 欽定本 - delicately bring up 1; 1 1) (Piel) 寵, 嬌養, 撫養, 專心對待

06445 panaq {paw-nak'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1784; v AV - delicately bring up 1; 1 1) (Piel) to indulge, pamper, bring up, treat delicately
07181 qashab {kaw-shab'} 字根型; TWOT - 2084; 動詞 欽定本 - hearken 27, attend 10, heed 3, hear 2, incline 1, marked 1, regarded 1, mark well 1; 46 1) 聽見, 留意, 注意到, 傾聽, 專注, 1a) (Qal) 傾聽, 專注, 專心 1b) (Hiphil) 留心, 使之注意

07181 qashab {kaw-shab'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2084; v AV - hearken 27, attend 10, heed 3, hear 2, incline 1, marked 1, regarded 1, mark well 1; 46 1) to hear, be attentive, heed, incline (of ears), attend (of ears), hearken, pay attention, listen 1a) (Qal) incline, attend (of ears), hearken, pay attention, listen 1b) (Hiphil) to pay attention, give attention
07919 sakal {saw-kal'} 字根型; TWOT - 2263,2264; 動詞 欽定本 - understand 12, wise 12, prosper 8, wisely 6, understanding 5, consider 4, instruct 3, prudent 2, skill 2, teach 2, misc 7; 63 1) 謹慎的, 慎重的,有見識, 成功 1a) (Qal) 智慮的, 慎密周到的 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) 注視, 有洞察力 1b2) 專心, 考慮, 慎思, 謹慎的 1b3) 有洞察力, 領悟 1b3a) 洞察力, 理解 (實名詞) 1b4) 使人思考, 給予洞察, 教導 1b4a) 老師, 智者 1b5) 慎重行事, 謹慎而行, 智慧地行事 1b6) 興隆, 成功 1b7) 致使成功 2) (Piel) 交叉 (手)

07919 sakal {saw-kal'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2263,2264; v AV - understand 12, wise 12, prosper 8, wisely 6, understanding 5, consider 4, instruct 3, prudent 2, skill 2, teach 2, misc 7; 63 1) to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper 1a) (Qal) to be prudent, be circumspect 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to look at or upon, have insight 1b2) to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent 1b3) to have insight, have comprehension 1b3a) insight, comprehension (subst) 1b4) to cause to consider, give insight, teach 1b4a) the teachers, the wise 1b5) to act circumspectly, act prudently, act wisely 1b6) to prosper, have success 1b7) to cause to prosper 2) (Piel) to lay crosswise, cross (hands)
333 anathaoreo {an-ath-eh-o-reh'-o} 源於 303 和 2334;; 動詞 AV - behold 1, consider 1; 2 1) 專心地觀察, 仔細的考慮, 正確地觀測

333 anathaoreo {an-ath-eh-o-reh'-o} from 303 and 2334;; v AV - behold 1, consider 1; 2 1) to look at attentively, to consider well, to observe accurately
578 apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o} 源於 575 和 991;; 動詞 AV - have respect 1; 1 1) 專心注目, 心無旁騖地專注於某一事物 1a) 專心注意的 2) 集中心思意念於...

578 apoblepo {ap-ob-lep'-o} from 575 and 991;; v AV - have respect 1; 1 1) to turn the eyes away from other things and fix them on some one thing 1a) to look at attentively 2) to look with steadfast mental gaze
858 aphelotes {af-el-ot'-ace} 源自 a compound of 1 (as a 否定詞 質詞/語助詞) and phellos (in the sense of a stone as stubbing the foot);; 陰性名詞 AV - singleness 1; 1 1) 簡單, 專心

858 aphelotes {af-el-ot'-ace} from a compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and phellos (in the sense of a stone as stubbing the foot);; n f AV - singleness 1; 1 1) simplicity, singleness
1616 ekteneia {ek-ten'-i-ah} 源自 1618; TDNT - 2:464,219; 陰性名詞 AV - instantly + 1722 1; 1 1) 伸展, 擴大 2) 熱心, 專心, (心智) 熱心, 誠摯 (#徒 26:7|)

1616 ekteneia {ek-ten'-i-ah} from 1618; TDNT - 2:464,219; n f AV - instantly + 1722 1; 1 1) extension 2) intentness (of mind), earnestness
1873 epakouo {ep-ak-oo'-o} 源自 1909 and 191; TDNT - 1:222,34; 動詞 AV - hear 1; 1 1) 側耳傾聽, 專心的聽 1a) 由聽覺接收 2) 聽從 2a) 聽見並贊同, 同意某人的請求 (#林後 6:2|)

1873 epakouo {ep-ak-oo'-o} from 1909 and 191; TDNT - 1:222,34; v AV - hear 1; 1 1) to give ear to, listen to 1a) to perceive by the ear 2) to listen to 2a) to hear with favour, grant one's request
2300 theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee} TDNT - 5:315,706; 動詞 AV - see 20, behold 2, look 1, look upon 1; 24 1) 專心看, 看在眼裡(有印像深刻之含義) 1a) 被動式有"被看到"(#可 16:11|)或"被注意到"(#太6:1, 23:5|)的意思 2) 探望, 拜訪 (#羅 15:24|) 3) 看見超乎肉眼所見的 (#約壹 4:12|) 同義詞 見5848

2300 theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee} a prolonged form of a primary verb; TDNT - 5:315,706; v AV - see 20, behold 2, look 1, look upon 1; 24 1) to behold, look upon, view attentively, contemplate (often used of public shows) 1a) of important persons that are looked on with admiration 2) to view, take a view of 2a) in the sense of visiting, meeting with a person 3) to learn by looking, to see with the eyes, to perceive For Synonyms see entry 5848
4337 prosecho {pros-ekh'-o} 源於 4314 和 2192;; 動詞 AV - beware 7, give heed to 5, take heed to 3, give heed unto 1, take heed 1, take heed unto 1, take heed whereunto + 3739 1, misc 5; 24 1) 帶領到..., 拉近... 1a) 將船靠岸, 輕輕碰觸, 入港 2) 專注心思, 專心留意 2a) 指對某人或某事上: 關心, 供養 3) 注意到自己, 亦即 自我小心留意 3a) 注意, 留心 4) 將自己投注於..., 使自己和...相關, 執著或專注於某人或某事 4a) 著迷或沈溺於... 4b) 投注或奉獻心思勞力於...

4337 prosecho {pros-ekh'-o} from 4314 and 2192;; v AV - beware 7, give heed to 5, take heed to 3, give heed unto 1, take heed 1, take heed unto 1, take heed whereunto + 3739 1, misc 5; 24 1) to bring to, bring near 1a) to bring a ship to land, and simply to touch at, put in 2) to turn the mind to, attend to be attentive 2a) to a person or a thing: of caring for, providing for 3) to attend to one's self, i.e. to give heed to one's self 3a) give attention to, take heed 4) to apply one's self to, attach one's self to, hold or cleave to a person or a thing 4a) to be given or addicted to 4b) to devote thought and effort to
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