字典搜尋結果 共有 4 筆

05917 `Akar {aw-kawr'} 源自 05916;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Achar 1; 1 亞干 = "惹麻煩者" 1) 一位猶大人, 他違反神所特別交待的在處理耶利哥之役戰利品上的禁令, 因此連累其家人一同受石刑而死 1a) 或拼作 'Achan'

05917 `Akar {aw-kawr'} from 05916;; n pr m AV - Achar 1; 1 Achar = "troubler" 1) a Judaite who violated God's specific ban on taking any loot from the captured city of Jericho and was stoned to death along with his family for this violation 1a) alternate spelling for 'Achan'
4841 sumpascho {soom-pas'-kho} 源自 4862 與 3958 (包含其替代字); TDNT - 5:925 & 7:787,798 & 1102; 動詞 AV - suffer with 2; 2 1) 一同受苦或一同感受到痛苦 (#羅 8:17;林前 12:26|) 2) 與其他人在相似的狀況下為罪惡(或困難、迫害)受苦

4841 sumpascho {soom-pas'-kho} from 4862 and 3958 (including its alternate); TDNT - 5:925 & 7:787,798 & 1102; v AV - suffer with 2; 2 1) to suffer or feel pain together 2) to suffer evils (troubles, persecutions) in the like manner with another
4880 sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko} 源自 4862 and 599; TDNT - 3:7 & 7:786,312 & 1102; 動詞 AV - die with 2, be dead with 1; 3 1) 一起死亡 2) 同受死 (#可 14:31; 林後 7:3; 提後 2:11|)

4880 sunapothnesko {soon-ap-oth-nace'-ko} from 4862 and 599; TDNT - 3:7 & 7:786,312 & 1102; v AV - die with 2, be dead with 1; 3 1) to die together 2) to die with one
4944 sunodino {soon-o-dee'-no} 源自 4862 and 5605;; 動詞 AV - travail in pain together 1; 1 1) 分娩的陣痛或辛勤勞動的苦痛, 同受艱難勞苦 2) 隱喻. 忍受極度的苦痛 (如同分娩中的婦人), 在...以外 (#羅 8:22|)

4944 sunodino {soon-o-dee'-no} from 4862 and 5605;; v AV - travail in pain together 1; 1 1) to feel the pains of travail with, be in travail together 2) metaph. to undergo agony (like a woman in childbirth) along with
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