字典搜尋結果 共有 12 筆

01166 ba`al {baw-al'} 字根型; TWOT - 262; 動詞 欽定本 - marry 8, husband 3, dominion 2, wife 1, married wife 1, Beulah 1; 16 1) 結婚, 統治, 擁有, 控制 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 結婚, 被人發號施令般地對待 1a2) 統治 1b) (Niphal) 結婚

01166 ba`al {baw-al'} a primitive root; TWOT - 262; v AV - marry 8, husband 3, dominion 2, wife 1, married wife 1, Beulah 1; 16 1) to marry, rule over, possess, own 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to marry, be lord (husband) over 1a2) to rule over 1b) (Niphal) to be married
01271 Barzillay {bar-zil-lah'-ee} 源自 01270;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Barzillai 12; 12 巴西萊 = "我的鐵(堅強)" 1) 一個吉甲人領袖,幫助大衛王攻打謀反的押沙龍 2)一個祭司, 吉甲人巴西萊的養子 3) 一個來自瑪哈拉的以色列人 ,他的兒子亞得列與掃羅的女兒米甲結婚

01271 Barzillay {bar-zil-lah'-ee} from 01270;; n pr m AV - Barzillai 12; 12 Barzillai = "my iron" 1) a Gileadite leader who helped David defeat Absalom's rebellion 2) a priest, son-in-law to Barzillai the Gileadite 3) an Israelite from Mahalath whose son Adriel married Michal, Saul's daughter
02861 chathunnah {khath-oon-naw'} 源自 02859; TWOT - 781d; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - espousal 1; 1 1) 結婚典禮, 婚姻 (#歌 3:11|)

02861 chathunnah {khath-oon-naw'} from 02859; TWOT - 781d; n f AV - espousal 1; 1 1) wedding, marriage
02992 yabam {yaw-bam'} 字根型, 其意不明; TWOT - 836; 動詞 AV - perform the duty of an husband's brother 2, marry 1; 3 1) (Piel) 實行寡婦與亡夫的兄弟成親的婚姻, 是其亡夫的兄弟對嫂子 所應盡的義務 1a) 這種義務發生在當丈夫去世而無子嗣時 -- 丈夫之兄弟必須和 其嫂子結婚並生子, 所生的一個兒子要繼在去世的丈夫之名下

02992 yabam {yaw-bam'} a primitive root of doubtful meaning; TWOT - 836; v AV - perform the duty of an husband's brother 2, marry 1; 3 1) (Piel) to perform levirate marriage, perform the duty of a brother-in-law 1a) the duty due to a brother who died childless - to marry his widow and have a son for his name
03623 k@luwlah {kel-oo-law'} 源自 03618 的被動分詞動名詞; TWOT - 986b; 陰性複數名詞 欽定本 - espousals 1; 1 1) 訂婚, 結婚(#耶 2:2|)

03623 k@luwlah {kel-oo-law'} denominative pass. participle from 03618; TWOT - 986b; n f pl AV - espousals 1; 1 1) betrothals, espousals
03947 laqach {law-kakh'} 字根型; TWOT - 1124; 動詞 AV - take 747, receive 61, take away 51, fetch 31, bring 25, get 6, take out 6, carry away 5, married 4, buy 3, misc 26; 965 1) 取, 拿, 拿來, 握著, 奪取, 接受,獲得, 買, 帶, 結婚, 娶妻, 抓走, 拿走 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 取, 拿在手上 1a2) 拿並且帶走 1a3) 從...拿,帶出, 取, 帶走, 拿走 1a4) 拿給或拿去給某人, 獲得, 拿,擁有, 挑選, 選擇, 結婚, 接受, 接納 1a5) 取出來, 取出, 拉出 1a6) 接去 1a7) 接受, 領導, 引導 1a8) 遞給, 奪獲, 抓住 1a9) 挑, 帶走 1a10) 除滅 (報復) 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) 被掠奪 1b2) 被攻取, 被除掉 1b3) 被拿走, 被帶走 1c) (Pual) 1c1) 從...被拿出, 取出 1c2) 從...被偷出 1c3) 被擄 1c4) 陷, 被除掉 1d) (Hophal) 1d1) 被叫來, 被帶來 1d2) 被帶出 1d3) 被帶走 1e) (Hithpael) 1e1) 讓某人佔有 1e2) 閃爍 (光線的)

03947 laqach {law-kakh'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1124; v AV - take 747, receive 61, take away 51, fetch 31, bring 25, get 6, take out 6, carry away 5, married 4, buy 3, misc 26; 965 1) to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to take, take in the hand 1a2) to take and carry along 1a3) to take from, take out of, take, carry away, take away 1a4) to take to or for a person, procure, get, take possession of, select, choose, take in marriage, receive, accept 1a5) to take up or upon, put upon 1a6) to fetch 1a7) to take, lead, conduct 1a8) to take, capture, seize 1a9) to take, carry off 1a10) to take (vengeance) 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be captured 1b2) to be taken away, be removed 1b3) to be taken, brought unto 1c) (Pual) 1c1) to be taken from or out of 1c2) to be stolen from 1c3) to be taken captive 1c4) to be taken away, be removed 1d) (Hophal) 1d1) to be taken unto, be brought unto 1d2) to be taken out of 1d3) to be taken away 1e) (Hithpael) 1e1) to take hold of oneself 1e2) to flash about (of lightning)
04119 mohar {mo'-har} 源自 04117; TWOT - 1153a; 陽性名詞 AV - dowry 3; 3 1) 娶妻的聘禮, 結婚的聘金

04119 mohar {mo'-har} from 04117; TWOT - 1153a; n m AV - dowry 3; 3 1) purchase price for wife, wedding money
22 agamos {ag'-am-os} from 1 (as a negative 質詞/語助詞) and 1062;; 形容詞 欽定本 - unmarried 4; 4 1)未結婚的, 獨身的

22 agamos {ag'-am-os} from 1 (as a negative particle) and 1062;; adj AV - unmarried 4; 4 1) unmarried, unwedded, single
1060 gameo {gam-eh'-o} 源自 1062; TDNT - 1:648,111; 動詞 AV - marry 24, married 3, marry a wife 2, 29 1) 踏上紅毯, 娶妻 1a) 結婚, 嫁娶 1b) 把自己婚配給... 2) 將女兒許配結婚

1060 gameo {gam-eh'-o} from 1062; TDNT - 1:648,111; v AV - marry 24, married 3, marry a wife 2, 29 1) to lead in marriage, take to wife 1a) to get married, to marry 1b) to give one's self in marriage 2) to give a daughter in marriage
1062 gamos {gam'-os} 找不到和其相近的字; TDNT - 1:648,111;陽性名詞 AV - marriage 9, wedding 7; 16 1) 婚禮的筵席, 婚宴, 喜酒 2) 結婚, 婚姻, 接連理, 作牽手的

1062 gamos {gam'-os} of uncertain affinity; TDNT - 1:648,111; n m AV - marriage 9, wedding 7; 16 1) a wedding or marriage festival, a wedding banquet, a wedding feast 2) marriage, matrimony
1548 ekgamisko {ek-gam-is'-ko} 源自 1537 and 1061;; 動詞 AV - give in marriage 2; 2 1) 在婚禮上把新娘交給新郎 2) 結婚, 給於嫁娶 (#路 20:34-35|)

1548 ekgamisko {ek-gam-is'-ko} from 1537 and 1061;; v AV - give in marriage 2; 2 1) to give away in marriage: a daughter 2) to marry, to be given in marriage
2030 epoptes {ep-op'-tace} from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:373,706;陽性名詞 AV - eyewitness 1; 1 1) 監督, 檢視員 2) 旁觀者, 任何事情的目擊證人 (#彼後 1:16|) 這字是用以指曾參加第三級(即最高層次)的Eleusinian奧秘慶典儀式的人而言; 在古希臘時, 這是在Eleusis和Athens每年一度的大事, 用以紀念冥府女王(Persephone,Hades之妻)的 被誘拐和歸回, 並榮耀Demeter女神(司農業,豐饒,結婚)和Bacchus(酒神)的事蹟. 希臘神話中, Persephone是女神Demeter的女兒, 當Persephone有一次在野外採集花卉時, 被Hades強擄至地府. Demeter在傷心之餘自願降至凡間, 到Eleusis的一戶人家作褓母, 當其 身分意外被發現後, 她要求當地人為她蓋一座神廟. 因其哀慟, 拒絕回到奧林匹亞山上眾神那裡, 並 且拒絕讓土地能有生產, 最後由宙斯派神至地府向Hades討回了她的女兒Persephone.

2030 epoptes {ep-op'-tace} from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; TDNT - 5:373,706; n m AV - eyewitness 1; 1 1) an overseer, inspector 2) spectator, eye witness of anything This was the name given to those who had attained to the third, i.e the highest grade of the Eleusinian mysteries; these were celebrated annually at Eleusis and Athens in ancient times, in memory of the abduction and return of Persephone and in honour of Demeter and Bacchus.