字典搜尋結果 共有 4 筆

02790 charash {khaw-rash'} 字根型; TWOT - 760,761; 動詞 欽定本 - ...peace 26, plow 13, devise 5, keep ... silence 5, hold...tongue 4, altogether 3, plowman 2, cease 1, conceal 1, deaf 1, to ear 1, graven 1, imagine 1, misc 9; 73 1) 刻入, 耕地, 雕刻, 設計 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 刻入, 雕刻 1a2) 耕地 1a3) 設計 1b) (Niphal) 被犁 1c) (Hiphil) 籌畫惡謀 2) 沉默, 安靜不語, 不說話, 不聽 2a) (Qal) 2a1) 安靜 2a2) 不聽 2b) (Hiphil) 2b1) 沉默, 安靜 2b2) 沉默 2b3) 不聽, 裝聾不聽 2c) (Hithpael) 保持沉默

02790 charash {khaw-rash'} a primitive root; TWOT - 760,761; v AV - ...peace 26, plow 13, devise 5, keep ... silence 5, hold...tongue 4, altogether 3, plowman 2, cease 1, conceal 1, deaf 1, to ear 1, graven 1, imagine 1, misc 9; 73 1) to cut in, plough, engrave, devise 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to cut in, engrave 1a2) to plough 1a3) to devise 1b) (Niphal) to be ploughed 1c) (Hiphil) to plot evil 2) to be silent, be dumb, be speechless, be deaf 2a) (Qal) 2a1) to be silent 2a2) to be deaf 2b) (Hiphil) 2b1) to be silent, keep quiet 2b2) to make silent 2b3) to be deaf, show deafness 2c) (Hithpael) to remain silent
05640 catham {saw-tham'} 或 satham (#民 24:15|) {saw-tham'} 字根型; TWOT - 1550; 動詞 欽定本 - stop 8, shut up 2, hidden 1, shut out 1, secret 1, close up 1; 14 1) 阻塞, 住嘴, 隱藏 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 阻塞 1a2) 住嘴不說, 列入機密 1a3) 保密 (分詞) 1b) (Niphal) 被堵塞 1c) (Piel) 阻塞

05640 catham {saw-tham'} or satham (Nu 24:15) {saw-tham'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1550; v AV - stop 8, shut up 2, hidden 1, shut out 1, secret 1, close up 1; 14 1) to stop up, shut up, keep close 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to stop up 1a2) to shut up, keep close 1a3) secret (participle) 1b) (Niphal) to be stopped up 1c) (Piel) to stop up
2270 hesuchazo {hay-soo-khad'-zo} 與 2272 同源;; 動詞 AV - hold (one's) peace 2, rest 1, cease 1, be quiet 1; 5 1) 保持安靜 1a) 休息, 停止勞動 1b) 過安分守己生活的人, 用以指那些不一天到晚南北奔波忙東忙西, 而待在家中做自己的事的人 1c) 靜默, 亦即 不說話, 保持沈靜 其同義詞, 見 5847

2270 hesuchazo {hay-soo-khad'-zo} from the same as 2272;; v AV - hold (one's) peace 2, rest 1, cease 1, be quiet 1; 5 1) to keep quiet 1a) to rest, cease from labour 1b) to lead a quiet life, said of those who are not running hither and thither, but stay at home and mind their business 1c) to be silent, i.e. to say nothing, hold one's peace For Synonyms see entry 5847
4151 pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} 源自 4154; TDNT - 6:332,876; 中性名詞 欽定本- Spirit 111, Holy Ghost 89, Spirit (of God) 13, Spirit (of the Lord) 5, (My) Spirit 3, Spirit (of truth) 3, Spirit (of Christ) 2, human (spirit) 49, (evil) spirit 47, spirit (general) 26, spirit 8, (Jesus' own) spirit 6, (Jesus' own) ghost 2, misc 21; 385 1) 三位一體的神的第三位格, 聖靈, 與父和子同等,同永存 1a) 有時候是強調祂的位格和屬性(那一位\\神聖的\\靈) 1b) 有時候是講到一種祂的工作和能力的強調(那真理的\\靈\\) 1c) 從來不說這是一種不具位格的力量 2) 那一位靈, 亦即 身體活著所依靠的生存要素 2a) 那一個理性的靈, 人類感受,思想,決擇所憑藉的能力 2b) 那一個魂 3) 一種靈, 亦即:一種單一的本質, 沒有全面的或致少是顯著的內容, 並且具有理解,渴望,和行動的力量 3a) 賜生命的靈 3b) 離開了人身體的魂 3c) 高於人但是低於神的靈, 亦即天使 3c1) 用來講,那些被想作是居住在人身體裡的,惡鬼, 或邪靈 3c2) 基督屬靈的本性, 高過最高的天使並且與上帝同等,基督神聖的本性 4) 充滿和管理任何人的魂的那一種性情和影嚮力 4a) 任何一種力量,愛慕,情緒,渴望等的效力來源 5) 一種空氣的流動(一陣輕柔的氣流) 5a) 講到風,就是風的本身 5b) 鼻惑口所出的氣

4151 pneuma {pnyoo'-mah} from 4154; TDNT - 6:332,876; n n AV - Spirit 111, Holy Ghost 89, Spirit (of God) 13, Spirit (of the Lord) 5, (My) Spirit 3, Spirit (of truth) 3, Spirit (of Christ) 2, human (spirit) 49, (evil) spirit 47, spirit (general) 26, spirit 8, (Jesus' own) spirit 6, (Jesus' own) ghost 2, misc 21; 385 1) the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son 1a) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his personality and character (the \\Holy\\ Spirit) 1b) sometimes referred to in a way which emphasises his work and power (the Spirit of \\Truth\\) 1c) never referred to as a depersonalised force 2) the spirit, i.e. the vital principal by which the body is animated 2a) the rational spirit, the power by which the human being feels, thinks, decides 2b) the soul 3) a spirit, i.e. a simple essence, devoid of all or at least all grosser matter, and possessed of the power of knowing, desiring, deciding, and acting 3a) a life giving spirit 3b) a human soul that has left the body 3c) a spirit higher than man but lower than God, i.e. an angel 3c1) used of demons, or evil spirits, who were conceived as inhabiting the bodies of men 3c2) the spiritual nature of Christ, higher than the highest angels and equal to God, the divine nature of Christ 4) the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of any one 4a) the efficient source of any power, affection, emotion, desire, etc. 5) a movement of air (a gentle blast) 5a) of the wind, hence the wind itself 5b) breath of nostrils or mouth