字典搜尋結果 共有 45 筆

053 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} 或 (縮寫型) 'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} 源自 01 與 07965; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Absalom 109, Abishalom 2; 111 押沙龍 = 「我父是平安」 1) 羅波安的岳父 2) 大衛的第三個兒子, 殺了長子暗嫩, 也是帶頭反叛其父親大衛的領袖

053 'Abiyshalowm {ab-ee-shaw-lome'} or (shortened) 'Abshalowm {ab-shaw-lome'} from 01 and 07965;; n pr m AV - Absalom 109, Abishalom 2; 111 Absalom or Abishalom = "my father is peace" 1) father-in-law of Rehoboam 2) third son of David, killer of first-born son Amnon, also leader of revolt against his father - David
0550 'Amnown {am-nohn'} 或 'Amiynown {am-ee-nohn'} 源自 0539;; 陽性名詞 AV - Amnon 28; 28 暗嫩 = "有信心的" 1) 大衛王的長子, 強佔了其妹子他瑪(同父異母), 後為押沙龍所殺 2) 示門(屬迦勒家族)的兒子之一 (#代上 4:20|)

0550 'Amnown {am-nohn'} or 'Amiynown {am-ee-nohn'} from 0539;; n m AV - Amnon 28; 28 Amnon = "faithful" 1) oldest son of David, rapist of Tamar, slain by Absalom 2) a son of Shimon (of Caleb's clan)
0669 'Ephrayim {ef-rah'-yim} 0672 的雙數;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Ephraim 176, Ephraimite 4; 180 以法蓮 = "兩堆灰塵: 我將獲雙倍果子" 1) 約瑟的次子, 得祝福甚於其長子瑪拿西 2) 以法蓮支派 3) 以法蓮山地 4) 常用此名代表北國 (何西阿書或以賽亞書) 5) 靠近巴力夏瑣的一個城市(#撒下 13:23|) 6) 耶路撒冷主要的城門

0669 'Ephrayim {ef-rah'-yim} dual of 0672;; n pr m AV - Ephraim 176, Ephraimite 4; 180 Ephraim = "double ash-heap: I shall be doubly fruitful" 1) second son of Joseph, blessed by him and given preference over first son, Manasseh 2) the tribe, Ephraim 3) the mountain country of Ephraim 4) sometimes used name for the northern kingdom (Hosea or Isaiah) 5) a city near Baal-hazor 6) a chief gate of Jerusalem
01060 b@kowr {bek-ore'} 源自 01069; TWOT - 244a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - firstborn 101, firstling 10, eldest 4, firstborn + 01121 1, eldest son 1; 117 1) 頭生的, 初產的 1a) 長子及長女 1b) 指動物 1c) 血緣關係的名詞 (比喻用法)

01060 b@kowr {bek-ore'} from 01069; TWOT - 244a; n m AV - firstborn 101, firstling 10, eldest 4, firstborn + 01121 1, eldest son 1; 117 1) firstborn, firstling 1a) of men and women 1b) of animals 1c) noun of relation (fig.)
01062 b@kowrah {bek-o-raw'} 或 (short) b@korah {bek-o-raw'} 源自 01060; TWOT - 244c; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - birthright 9, firstling 5, firstborn 1; 15 1) 長子繼承權, 長子的身分, 長子的權利

01062 b@kowrah {bek-o-raw'} or (short) b@korah {bek-o-raw'} from 01060; TWOT - 244c; n f AV - birthright 9, firstling 5, firstborn 1; 15 1) birthright, primogeniture, right of the first-born
01069 bakar {baw-kar'} 字根型; TWOT - 244; 動詞 欽定本 - firstborn 1, new fruit 1, firstling 1, first child; 4 1) 頭生的 1a) (Piel) 1a1) 早結果實, 初熟的果實 1a2) 給與長子的名分 1a2a) 立為長子 1a2b) 於法律上指定為長子 1b) (Pual) 1b1) 生下頭胎 1b2) 初次收穫 1c) (Hiphil) 懷頭胎的母親

01069 bakar {baw-kar'} a primitive root; TWOT - 244; v AV - firstborn 1, new fruit 1, firstling 1, first child; 4 1) to be born first 1a) (Piel) 1a1) to bear early, new fruit 1a2) to give the right of the firstborn 1a2a) to make as firstborn 1a2b) to constitute as firstborn 1b) (Pual) 1b1) to be born a firstling 1b2) to be made a firstling 1c) (Hiphil) one bearing her first child
01586 Gomer {go'-mer} 源自 01584; TWOT - 363a 欽定本 - Gomer 6; 6 歌篾 = "完全的" 陽性專有名詞 1) 雅弗的長子, 挪亞的孫子; ( # 創 10:2| ) 古西密爾人(傳說中居住在陰暗溼地的民族)和其他塞爾特族支派的祖先 陰性專有名詞 2) 先知何西阿的那個不忠的妻子( #何 1:3| ); 何西阿和她的關係像徵了上帝對暝頑不化的以色列人的關係.

01586 Gomer {go'-mer} from 01584; TWOT - 363a AV - Gomer 6; 6 Gomer = "complete" n pr m 1) the eldest son of Japheth and grandson of Noah; the progenitor of the early Cimmerians and other branches of the Celtic family n pr f 2) the unfaithful wife of the prophet Hosea; Hosea's relationship with her was symbolic of God's relationship with wayward Israel
01648 Ger@shown {gay-resh-one'} 或 Ger@showm {gay-resh-ome'} 源自 01644;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Gershon 17; 17 革順 = "流亡" 1) 在雅各家去埃及之前, 利未的長子

01648 Ger@shown {gay-resh-one'} or Ger@showm {gay-resh-ome'} from 01644;; n pr m AV - Gershon 17; 17 Gershon or Gershom = "exile" 1) firstborn son of Levi born before Jacob's family went to Egypt
01649 Ger@shunniy {gay-resh-oon-nee'} 源自 01648 的種族名稱;; 形容詞 AV - Gershonite 13; 13 革順人 = 參看基述 (1450) 1) 革順的後代, 利未的長子

01649 Ger@shunniy {gay-resh-oon-nee'} patronymically from 01648;; adj AV - Gershonite 13; 13 Gershonite = see Geshur 1) a descendant of Gershon, firstborn son of Levi
02533 Chemdan {khem-dawn'} 源自 02531;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Hemdan 1; 1 欣但 = "慾望" 1) 底順的長子, 底順是何利人亞拿的兒子

02533 Chemdan {khem-dawn'} from 02531;; n pr m AV - Hemdan 1; 1 Hemdan = "desire" 1) the eldest son of Dishon, son of Anah the Horite
03076 Y@howchanan {yeh-ho-khaw-nawn'} 源自 03068 和 02603;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jehohanan 6, Johanan 3; 9 約哈難 = "耶和華已施恩典", 參見 [3110] 1) 在與所羅巴伯一起回歸的約雅金任大祭司時的一位祭司 (#尼 12:13|) 2) 以斯拉時代的一位大祭司 (#拉 10:6|) 3) 曾參與尼希米敬獻耶路撒冷城牆的典禮的利未人祭司 (#尼 12:42|) 4) 多比雅的兒子 (#尼 6:18|) 5) 在大衛王時任聖幕守門的一位可拉族的利未人 (#代上 26:3|) 6) 約沙法作王時的一猶大的千夫長 (#代下 17:15|) 7) 一位以法蓮人 8) 以斯拉時代一位曾娶外邦女子為妻的以色列人 (#拉 10:28|) 9) 在耶路撒冷陷落後的一位猶大的軍隊領袖(#王下 25:23|) 10) 約西亞王的長子 (#代上 3:15|) 11) 大衛王的直系子孫, 被擄之後時代的人 12) 亞撒利雅的父親, 這亞撒利雅於所羅門王時曾任職祭司(#代上 6:10|) 13) 便雅憫人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:4|) 14) 迦得人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:12|) 15) 被擄後歸回的猶太人之一 (#拉 8:12|)

03076 Y@howchanan {yeh-ho-khaw-nawn'} from 03068 and 02603;; n pr m AV - Jehohanan 6, Johanan 3; 9 Jehohanan = "Jehovah has graced" 5) a Korhite Levite and one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle in the time of David 6) a captain of Judah under king Jehoshaphat 1) a priest during the high priesthood of Joiakim who returned with Zerubbabel 2) a high priest in the time of Ezra 3) a Levite priest who took part in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah 4) son of Tobiah 7) an Ephraimite 8) an Israelite with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 9) a Jewish captain after the fall of Jerusalem 10) the eldest son of king Josiah 11) a post-exilic prince of the line of David 12) father of Azariah, priest in Solomon's time 13) a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 14) a Gadite, one of David's mighty warriors 15) a returning exile
03084 Y@howceph {yeh-ho-safe'} 03130 的更完整型;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Joseph 1; 1 約瑟 = "耶和華已加增" 1) 雅各和拉結所生的長子

03084 Y@howceph {yeh-ho-safe'} a fuller form of 03130;; n pr m AV - Joseph 1; 1 Joseph = "Jehovah has added" 1) the eldest son of Jacob by Rachel
03100 Yow'el {yo-ale'} 源自03068 與 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本- Joel 19; 19 約珥 = "耶和華是神" 1) 毗土珥的兒子; 12小先知書的第2卷, 以他的名字為書名; 可能在猶大王烏西雅時代做先知 2) 先知撒母耳的長子, 歌唱的希幔的父親 3) 西緬的族長 4) 一流便人 5) 迦得的族長 6) 伊斯拉希的兒子, 以薩迦支派族長 7) 瑣巴人拿單的兄弟, 大衛的勇士之一 8) 大衛時代河西瑪拿西半支派的族長, 毗大雅的兒子 9) 尼波的兒子, 與以斯拉一同歸回, 娶了外邦女子 10) 便雅憫人, 細基利的兒子 11) 一利未人 12) 在希西家任內一個哥轄族的利未人 13) 在大衛時代的一個革順族的利未人 14) 革順族的利未人, 耶利的兒子, 拉但的後裔; 可能與13是同一個人

03100 Yow'el {yo-ale'} from 03068 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Joel 19; 19 Joel = "Jehovah is God" 1) son of Pethuel and the 2nd of the 12 minor prophets with a book by his name; probably prophesied in the time of king Uzziah of Judah 2) eldest son of Samuel the prophet and father of Heman the singer 3) a Simeonite chief 4) a Reubenite 5) a chief of Gad 6) son of Izrahiah and a chief of Issachar 7) brother of Nathan of Zobah and one of David's mighty warriors 8) son of Pedaiah and a chief of the half tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan in the time of David 9) a son of Nebo who returned with Ezra and had a foreign wife 10) a Benjamite, son of Zichri 11) a Levite 12) a Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah 13) a Gershonite Levite chief in the time of David 14) a Gershonite Levite, son of Jehiel and a descendant of Laadan; maybe same as 13
03110 Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn'} 03076 之一型;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Johanan 24; 24 約哈難 = "耶和華已赦免" 1) 在約雅金作大祭司時的一位祭司, 約雅金是和所羅巴伯一同由被擄之地之回歸 耶路撒冷的人之一 (#尼 12|) 2) 耶路撒冷被攻陷後的一位猶大軍長 (#王下 25:23|) 3) 約西亞王的長子 (#代上 3:15|) 4) 大衛王的直系子孫, 被擄之後時代的人 5) 亞撒利雅的父親, 這亞撒利雅於所羅門王時曾任職祭司(#代上 6:10|) 6) 便雅憫人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:4|) 7) 迦得人, 大衛的勇士之一 (#代上 12:12|) 8) 被擄後歸回的猶太人之一 (#拉 8:12|)

03110 Yowchanan {yo-khaw-nawn'} a form of 03076;; n pr m AV - Johanan 24; 24 Johanan = "Jehovah has graced" 1) a priest during the high priesthood of Joiakim who returned with Zerubbabel 2) a Jewish captain after the fall of Jerusalem 3) the eldest son of king Josiah 4) a post-exilic prince of the line of David 5) father of Azariah, priest in Solomon's time 6) a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 7) a Gadite, one of David's mighty warriors 8) a returning exile
03130 Yowceph {yo-safe'} 03254的不完成式; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Joseph 213; 213 約瑟 = "耶和華已增添" 1) 雅各藉拉結所生的長子 2) 以迦的父親, 代表以薩迦支派的探子(#民 13:7|) 3) 亞薩的兒子(#代上 25:2,9|) 4) 以斯拉時代一位娶外邦人為妻的人(#拉 10:42|) 5) 尼希米時代示巴尼族的一位祭司(#尼 12:14|)

03130 Yowceph {yo-safe'} future of 03254;; n pr m AV - Joseph 213; 213 Joseph = "Jehovah has added" 1) the eldest son of Jacob by Rachel 2) father of Igal, who represented the tribe of Issachar among the spies 3) a son of Asaph 4) a man who took a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 5) a priest of the family of Shebaniah in the time of Nehemiah
03157 Yizr@`e'l {yiz-reh-ale'} 源自 02232 與 0410; 欽定本 - Jezreel 36; 36 耶斯列 = 「神栽種」 陽性專有名詞 1) 猶大地創建以坦城邑的先人之後裔 (# 代下 11:6|) 2) 先知何西阿的長子 (# 何 1:4|) 專有名詞 地名 3) 猶大地尼吉境內的城邑 (# 書 15:56|) 4) 以薩迦支派的城邑, 位於基利波山的西北向支脈 (# 撒上 28:4; 31:8; 撒下 1:6,21; 21:12; 代上 10:1,8|)

03157 Yizr@`e'l {yiz-reh-ale'} from 02232 and 0410;; AV - Jezreel 36; 36 Jezreel = "God sows" n pr m 1) a descendant of the father or founder of Etam of Judah 2) first son of Hosea the prophet n pr loc 3) a city in the Nekeb of Judah 4) a city in Issachar on the northwest spur of Mount Gilboa
03184 Yachts@'eliy {yakh-tseh-ay-lee'} 源自 03183 的種族名稱;; 形容詞 AV - Jahzeelites 1; 1 雅薛族 = 見 雅薛 "神分別出來的" 1) 拿弗他利的長子雅薛的後裔(#民 26:48|)

03184 Yachts@'eliy {yakh-tseh-ay-lee'} patronymically from 03183;; adj AV - Jahzeelites 1; 1 Jahzeelites = see Jahzeel "God divides" 1) the descendants of Jahzeel, the 1st son of Naphtali
03189 Yachath {yakh'-ath} 源自 03161; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jahath 8; 8 雅哈 = "他要搶奪" 1) 猶大的孫子 (#代上 4:2|) 2) 數位同名的利未人 2a) 利未的曾孫, 革順的孫子, 利尼的兒子 (#代上 6:20|) 2b) 示每的長子 (#代上 23:10,11|) 2c) 利未人, 示羅摩的後代 (#代上 24:22|) 2d) 約西亞時代,米拉利家的利未人 (#代下 34:12|)

03189 Yachath {yakh'-ath} from 03161;; n pr m AV - Jahath 8; 8 Jahath = "He will snatch up" 1) son of Reaiah and grandson of Shobal of the tribe of Judah 2) a son of Libni and grandson of Gershom and great grandson of Levi 3) a Gershonite Levite; the eldest son of Shimei and the grandson of Laadan; founder of the house of Jahath 4) a Levite and son of Shelomoth 5) a Merarite Levite in the reign of Josiah
03223 Y@muw'el{yem-oo-ale'} 源自 03117 and 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Jemuel 2; 2 耶母利 = "上帝的日子" 1)西緬的長子

03223 Y@muw'el{yem-oo-ale'} from 03117 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Jemuel 2; 2 Jemuel = "day of God" 1) the eldest son of Simeon
03396 Y@rachm@'el {yer-akh-meh-ale'} 源自 07355 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Jerahmeel 8; 8 耶拉篾 = "願神憐憫" 1) 希斯崙的長子, 法勒斯的孫子, 猶大的曾孫; 耶拉蔑家族的建立者 ( #代上 2:25| ) 2) 猶大王約雅敬的臣子, 他被王派去捉拿巴錄 ( #耶36:26| ) 3) 米拉利的利未人, 利抹的兒子, 他是基士家族的代表 ( #代上 24:29| #代上 29:12| )

03396 Y@rachm@'el {yer-akh-meh-ale'} from 07355 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Jerahmeel 8; 8 Jerahmeel = "may God have pity" 1) the 1st son of Hezron, grandson of Pharez, and great grandson of Judah and the founder of the family of Jerahmeelites 2) officer sent by king Jehoiakim of Judah to arrest Baruch 3) a Merarite Levite the representative of the family of Kish, the son of Mahli
03469 Yish`iy {yish-ee'} 源自 03467;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Ishi 5; 5 以示 = "他救了我" 1) 亞遍的兒子, 希斯崙的長子耶拉篾的後裔 (#代上 2:31|) 2) 住在約旦河東的瑪拿西支派的一位首領 (#代上 5:24|) 3) 猶大的一位首領, 梭黑的父親(#代上 4:20|) 4) 一位西緬支派的首領(#代上 4:42|)

03469 Yish`iy {yish-ee'} from 03467;; n pr m AV - Ishi 5; 5 Ishi = "He saves me" 1) son of Appaim, one of the line of Jerahmeel of the house of Hezron 2) a chief of Manasseh and head of a family on the east of Jordan 3) a chief of Judah, father of Zoheth 4) a chief of Simeon and head of a family
03500 Yether {yeh'-ther} 與 03499 同;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Jether 8, Jethro 1; 9 益帖 = "大量的" 1) 摩西的岳父 2) 基甸的長子(#士 8:20|) 3) 耶孚尼的父親, 耶孚尼是亞設一脈的一個勇士家族的族長 (#代上 7:38|) 4) 押沙龍的元帥亞瑪撒的父親 (#王上 2:5,32|) 5) 雅大的兒子, 猶大人希斯崙的後裔 (#代上 2:32|) 6) 猶大人以斯拉的兒子(#代上 4:17|)

03500 Yether {yeh'-ther} the same as 03499;; n pr m AV - Jether 8, Jethro 1; 9 Jether = "abundance" 1) father-in-law of Moses 2) oldest son of Gideon 3) father of Jephunneh and the chief of a line of warriors of the line of Asher 4) father of Amasa, the commander of Absalom's army 5) son of Jada, a descendant of Hezron, of the tribe of Judah 6) a son of Ezra, a Judaite
03845 Libniy {lib-nee'} 源自 03835;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Libni 5; 5 立尼 = "白色" 1) 利未的孫子, 革順的長子

03845 Libniy {lib-nee'} from 03835;; n pr m AV - Libni 5; 5 Libni = "white" 1) the eldest son of Gershon and grandson of Levi
03877 Lowtan {lo-tawn'} 源自 03875;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Lotan 7; 7 羅坍 = "覆蓋物" 1) 何利人西珥的長子

03877 Lowtan {lo-tawn'} from 03875;; n pr m AV - Lotan 7; 7 Lotan = "covering" 1) the eldest son of Seir the Horite
04318 Miykah {mee-kaw'} 04320 的省略型;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Micah 26, Michah 4, Micaiah 1; 31 彌迦 或 米該雅 或 Michah = "誰像神" 1) 眾小先知的第六位; 摩利沙人, 他傳講神的話,在猶太王約坦、亞哈斯和 希西家期間, 他與先知何西阿、阿摩司、和以賽亞同時期 2) 於士師時代的以法蓮支派 3) 流便人約珥的後代 4) 米力巴力的兒子,約拿單的孫子 5) 一個哥轄族的利未人, 暗蘭的兄弟--烏薛的長子 6) 亞革波的父親, 亞革波是在約西亞王掌權時居高位者 7) 音拉的兒子, 撒瑪利亞的一位先知, 也是預言以色列王亞哈的戰敗及死亡 (王上22:1-28)

04318 Miykah {mee-kaw'} an abbrev. of 04320;; n pr m AV - Micah 26, Michah 4, Micaiah 1; 31 Micah or Micaiah or Michah = "who is like God" 1) the 6th in order of the minor prophets; a native of Moresheth, he prophesied during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah, and was contemporary with the prophets Hosea, Amos, and Isaiah 2) an Ephraimite during the period of the judges 3) a descendant of Joel the Reubenite 4) son of Meribbaal and grandson of Jonathan 5) a Kohathite Levite, the eldest son of Uzziel the brother of Amram 6) father of Abdon, a man of high station in the reign of Josiah 7) son of Imlah and a prophet of Samaria who predicted the defeat and death of king Ahab of Israel
04337 Meysha` {may-shah'} 源自 03467;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Mesha 1; 1 米沙 = "釋放" 1) 迦勒和阿蘇巴的長子, 希斯崙的孫子

04337 Meysha` {may-shah'} from 03467;; n pr m AV - Mesha 1; 1 Mesha = "deliverance" 1) the eldest son of Caleb by his wife Azubah and grandson of Hezron
04353 Makiyr {maw-keer'} 源自 04376;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Machir 22; 22 瑪吉 = "賣出" 1) 瑪拿西和亞蘭藉或敘利亞藉的妾所生的長子並為一大家族的祖先 2) 亞米利之子, 為外約旦支派之一的強大的首領, 並成為掃羅和大衛不可或缺的幫助

04353 Makiyr {maw-keer'} from 04376;; n pr m AV - Machir 22; 22 Machir = "sold" 1) eldest son of Manasseh by an Aramite or Syrian concubine and progenitor of a large family 2) son of Ammiel, a powerful chief of one of the Transjordanic tribes who rendered essential services to Saul and to David
04519 M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'} 源自 05382; TWOT - 1217; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Manasseh 146; 146 瑪拿西 = "導致遺忘" 1) 約瑟的長子, 瑪拿西族的祖先 1a) 瑪拿西的後裔種族 1b) 瑪拿西族佔有的領土 2) 猶大王希西家之子, 他本身是由大王; 他立即且直接導致(以色列人)流亡 3) 在以斯拉時代拋棄外邦妻子的巴哈摩押之後裔 4) 在以斯拉時代拋棄外邦妻子的哈順之後裔

04519 M@nashsheh {men-ash-sheh'} from 05382; TWOT - 1217; n pr m AV - Manasseh 146; 146 Manasseh = "causing to forget" 1) the eldest son of Joseph and progenitor of the tribe of Manasseh 1a) the tribe descended from Manasseh 1b) the territory occupied by the tribe of Manasseh 2) son of king Hezekiah of Judah and himself king of Judah; he was the immediate and direct cause for the exile 3) a descendant of Pahath-moab who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 4) a descendant of Hashum who put away a foreign wife in the time of Ezra
05070 Nadab {naw-dawb'} 源自 05068;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Nadab 20; 20 拿答 = "豐富的、慷慨的" 1) 亞倫和以利沙白所生的長子; 因在曠野時企圖以非獻祭用的香爐 引火點香獻祭而在聖幕前被擊殺 (#出 6:23;利 10:1;民 3:4|) 2) 北國以色列國王耶羅波安一世的兒子, 曾在以色列作王兩年, 後 為巴沙所殺 (#王上 14:20;15:27|) 3) 猶大支派耶拉蔑家族的人, 沙買的兒子 (#代上 2:28|) 4) 便雅憫人基遍的兒子之一 (#代上 8:30|)

05070 Nadab {naw-dawb'} from 05068;; n pr m AV - Nadab 20; 20 Nadab = "generous" 1) eldest son of Aaron by Elisheba; struck dead before the sanctuary in the wilderness for kindling the censers with strange fire 2) son of king Jeroboam I of the northern kingdom of Israel and king of Israel for 2 years before being slain by Baasha 3) a Jerahmeelite, son of Shammai, of the tribe of Judah 4) a son of Gibeon of the tribe of Benjamin
05241 N@muw'el {nem-oo-ale'} 顯然是代替 03223;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Nemuel 3; 3 尼母利 = "上帝的日子" 1) 西緬的長子(#民 26:12; 代上 4:24|) 2) 流便人, 出埃及時期以利押的兒子, 大坍和亞比蘭的兄弟(#民 26:9|)

05241 N@muw'el {nem-oo-ale'} apparently for 03223;; n pr m AV - Nemuel 3; 3 Nemuel = "day of God" 1) the eldest son of Simeon 2) a Reubenite, son of Eliab and brother of Dathan and Abiram in the time of the exodus
05624 Cered {seh'-red} 字根型, 意為"顫抖" ;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Sered 2; 2 西烈 = "畏懼害怕的" 1) 西布倫的長子

05624 Cered {seh'-red} from a primitive root meaning to tremble;; n pr m AV - Sered 2; 2 Sered = "fear" 1) the 1st son of Zebulun
05625 Cardiy {sar-dee'} 源自父祖 05624 之名; TWOT - ; 表示"父"的形容詞 AV - Sardites 1; 1 西烈族 = 見 西烈 "驚嚇" 1) 西布倫的長子西烈的後裔(#民 26:26|)

05625 Cardiy {sar-dee'} patron from 05624; TWOT - ; adj patr AV - Sardites 1; 1 Sardites = see Sered "fright" 1) descendants of Sered, the 1st born son of Zebulun
05840 `Azriyqam {az-ree-kawm'} 源自 05828 和 06965 的主動分詞;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Azrikam 6; 6 亞斯利干 = "抵擋敵人的援助" 1) 尼利雅的兒子, 是猶大王室所羅巴伯一脈的子孫 (#代上 3:23|) 2) 便雅憫人掃羅的後裔, 亞悉的長子(#代上 8:38|) 3) 尼希米時代一位利未人示瑪雅的祖先(#尼 11:15|) 4) 負責管理猶大王亞哈斯的王宮的一位官員, 是被細基利擊殺的人之一 (#代下 28:7|)

05840 `Azriyqam {az-ree-kawm'} from 05828 and act part of 06965;; n pr m AV - Azrikam 6; 6 Azrikam = "help against the enemy" 1) son of Neariah and descendant of Zerubbabel of the royal line of Judah 2) a Benjamite, eldest son of Azel and descendant of Saul 3) a Levite, ancestor of Shemaiah in the time of Nehemiah 4) governor of the palace of king Ahaz of Judah and victim of murder by Zichri
06147 `Er {ayr} 源自 05782;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Er 10; 10 珥 = "清醒" 1) 猶大的長子 2) 示拉的兒子, 猶大的孫子(#代上 4:21|)

06147 `Er {ayr} from 05782;; n pr m AV - Er 10; 10 Er = "awake" 1) the eldest son of Judah 2) son of Shelah and grandson of Judah
06197 `Eran {ay-rawn'} 可能源自 05782;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Eran 1; 1 以蘭 = "看守人" 1) 以法蓮的長子(#民 26:36|)

06197 `Eran {ay-rawn'} probably from 05782;; n pr m AV - Eran 1; 1 Eran = "watcher" 1) the eldest son of Ephraim
06215 `Esav {ay-sawv'} 顯然是06213的過去分詞; 原始的意義為管理; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Esau 97; 97 以掃 = "多毛的" 1) 以撒和利百加的長子, 且是雅各的雙胞胎兄長; 在他飢餓的時候, 為了食物而賣掉長子名份, 因此神的祝福給了雅各; 阿拉伯人的祖先

06215 `Esav {ay-sawv'} apparently a form of the pass. part. of 06213 in the original sense of handling;; n pr m AV - Esau 97; 97 Esau = "hairy" 1) eldest son of Isaac and Rebecca and twin brother of Jacob; sold the birthright for food when he was hungry and the divine blessing went to Jacob; progenitor of the Arab peoples
06305 P@dayah {ped-aw-yaw'} 或 P@dayahuw {ped-aw-yaw'-hoo} 源自 06299 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Pedaiah 8; 8 毗大雅 = "耶和華已贖回" 1) 猶大王約西亞的妻子西布大的父親, 猶大王約雅敬的母親 (#王下 23:36|) 2) 所羅巴伯的父親(#代上 3:19|), 撒拉鐵的兄弟, 撒拉鐵常被稱作是所羅巴伯之父 (#拉 3:2|)可能是因為撒拉鐵其家族血脈傳承的長子, 卻沒有子嗣

06305 P@dayah {ped-aw-yaw'} or P@dayahuw {ped-aw-yaw'-hoo} from 06299 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Pedaiah 8; 8 Pedaiah = "Jehovah has ransomed" 1) father of Zebudah, the wife of king Josiah and the mother of king Jehoiakim both of Judah 2) father of Zerubbabel and brother of Shealtiel who is usually called the father of Zerubbabel probably because of a lack of an heir from Shealtiel who was in the direct line of succession
07205 R@'uwben {reh-oo-bane'} 源自 07200 和 01121 的祈使詞 ;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Reuben 72; 72 流便 = "看見兒子" 1) 雅各與利亞所生的長子 2) 起源於流便的支派 3) 流便支派所居住的地區

07205 R@'uwben {reh-oo-bane'} from the imperative of 07200 and 01121;; n pr m AV - Reuben 72; 72 Reuben = "behold a son" 1) the eldest son of Jacob by Leah 2) the tribe descended from Reuben 3) the territory inhabited by the tribe of Reuben
08098 Sh@ma`yah {shem-aw-yaw'} 或 Sh@ma`yahuw {shem-aw-yaw'-hoo} 源自 08085 和 03050;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Shemaiah 41; 41 示瑪雅 = "被耶和華聽見" 1) 猶大王羅波安時的一位宣講神的話的人 (#王上 12:22;代下 11:2|) 2) 一位尼希蘭人, 耶利米時代的一位假先知 (#耶 29:31|) 3) 第萊雅的父親, 耶利米時代的一位猶大國的王公貴人 (#耶 36:12|) 4) 一位基列耶琳人, 烏利亞的父親, 烏利亞是耶利米時代屬神的一位先知 (#耶 26:20|) 5) 猶大人, 示迦尼的兒子, 哈突的父親, 所羅巴伯的後裔 (#代上 3:22|) 6) 一位西緬支派的人, 申利的父親 (#代上 4:37|) 7) 一位利甲人, 約珥的兒子, 歌革的父親 (#代上 5:4|) 8) 利未人米拉利的子孫, 哈述的兒子, 耶利米時代的人 (#代上 9:14;尼 11:15|) 9) 一位利未人, 迦拉的兒子, 俄巴底的父親 (#代上 9:16|) 10) 一位利未人, 大衛王時代他是以利撒反子孫家族的族長, 他參與了運送約櫃 的任務 (#代上 15:8|) 11) 大衛王時一位作書記的利未人, 拿坦業的兒子(#代上 24:6|) 12) 利未人俄別以東的長子, 大衛王時代的人 (#代上 26:4|) 13) 一位利未人, 猶大王希西家時的歌者, 耶杜頓的子孫 (#代下29:14|) 14) 一位利未人, 他是替以斯拉帶話給易多的信使之一 (#拉 8:16|) 15) 猶大王約沙法時的一位利未人 (#代下 17:8|) 16) 猶大王西希家的一位利未人, 他是負責將樂意獻給神的禮物分發給各地利未 人的人之一 (#代下 31:15|) 17) 猶大王約西亞時的一位利未人 (#代下 35:9|) 18) 和以斯拉一同由被擄之地歸回的族長之一 (#拉 8:13|) 19) 哈琳的子孫, 以斯拉時為祭司, 他曾娶一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:21|) 20) 以斯拉時代的一位以色列人, 哈琳的子孫, 他曾娶一外邦女子為妻 (#拉 10:31|) 21) 第來雅的兒子, 米希大別的孫子, 受賄於多比雅和參巴拉去誤導尼希米 (#尼 6:10|) 22) 在與尼希米訂的公約上簽名的祭司之一, 他也參與了敬獻重建的耶路撒冷城 牆的典禮 (#尼 10: 8|) 23) 與所羅巴伯由被擄之地一起歸回的祭司之一 (#尼 12:6|) 24) 尼希米時代參與敬獻重建的耶路撒冷城牆的民的首領之一 (#尼 12:34|) 25) 撒迦利亞的祖父, 撒迦利亞是尼希米時代的人, 他參與了敬獻重建的耶路撒 冷城牆的典禮 (#尼 12:35|) 26) 尼希米時代的人, 是另一位和 25) 一起參與敬獻耶路撒冷城牆的祭司 (#尼 12:36,41| ?)

08098 Sh@ma`yah {shem-aw-yaw'} or Sh@ma`yahuw {shem-aw-yaw'-hoo} from 08085 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Shemaiah 41; 41 Shemaiah = "heard by Jehovah" 1) a prophet of the Lord in the reign of king Rehoboam of Judah 2) the Nehelamite, a false prophet in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 3) father of Delaiah, one of the princes of Judah in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 4) an inhabitant of Kirjathjearim and father of Urijah, a prophet of the Lord in the time of the prophet Jeremiah 5) a Judaite, son of Shechaniah, father of Hattush, and descendant of Zerubbabel 6) a Simeonite, father of Shimri 7) a Reubenite, son of Joel and father of Gog 8) a Merarite Levite, son of Hasshub in the time of Nehemiah 9) a Levite, son of Galal and father of Obadiah 10) a Levite and head of the family of the sons of Elizaphan who were commissioned to bring the ark to Jerusalem in the time of David 11) a Levite and scribe, son of Nethaneel in the time of David 12) a Levite, 1st son of Obed-Edom in the time of David 13) a Levite, descendant of Jeduthun the singer in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah 14) a Levite, one of the messengers of Ezra to Iddo 15) a Levite in the time of king Jehoshaphat of Judah 16) a Levite, one of several in charge of distributing the free will offerings brought to God to their Levite brethren in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah 17) a Levite in the time of king Josiah of Judah 18) head of a family of exiles who returned with Ezra 19) a priest, of the sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 20) an Israelite of the sons of Harim who had a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 21) son of Delaiah, grandson of Mehetabeel, and a false prophet hired by Tobiah and Sanballat to give false guidance to Nehemiah 22) a priest who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah and participated in the dedication of the wall 23) a priest who returned from exile with Zerubbabel 24) a leader of the people at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 25) grandfather of the priest Zechariah who participated in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah 26) another of the priests who along with 25 took part in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah
08439 Towla` {to-law'} 與 08438 同 ;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Tola 6; 6 陀拉 = "蟲" 1) 以薩迦的長子, 陀拉族的始祖 2) 以薩迦族人, 普瓦的兒子, 是繼亞比米勒以後的以色列士師{#士 10:1 |}

08439 Towla` {to-law'} the same as 08438;; n pr m AV - Tola 6; 6 Tola = "worm" 1) the 1st born of Issachar and progenitor of the family of Tolaites 2) a man of Issachar, son of Puah and judge of Israel after Abimelech
1662 Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'} of Hebrew origin 0471;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Eliakim 3; 3 以利亞敬 = "神所設立" 1)亞比玉(或猶大)的長子 ,約瑟的兄弟,亞所的父親. 見馬太福音. 1:13 2)米利亞的兒子, 約南的父親 見路加福音 3:30,31

1662 Eliakeim {el-ee-ak-ime'} of Hebrew origin 0471;; n pr m AV - Eliakim 3; 3 Eliakim = "raising up by God" 1) the eldest son of Abiud or Judah, bother of Joseph, and father of Azor Mt. 1:13 2) son of Melea, and father of Jonan Lk 3:30,31
2269 Esau {ay-sow'} 源於希伯來字 06215; TDNT - 2:953,311;陽性專有名詞 AV - Esau 3; 3 以掃 = "多毛的" 1) 原為以撒的長子, 雅各的雙胞胎兄長

2269 Esau {ay-sow'} of Hebrew origin 06215; TDNT - 2:953,311; n pr m AV - Esau 3; 3 Esau = "hairy" 1) was the eldest son of Isaac and twin brother of Jacob
2535 Kain {kah'-in} 源於希伯來字 07014; TDNT - 1:6,*;陽性專有名詞 AV - Cain 3; 3 該隱 = "生產者: 製造者(字面上的意思是 鐵匠)" 1) 亞當的長子, 為其兄弟亞伯所殺

2535 Kain {kah'-in} of Hebrew origin 07014; TDNT - 1:6,*; n pr m AV - Cain 3; 3 Cain = "maker: fabricator (literally smith)" 1) the first born of Adam, and slew his brother, Abel
4242 presbeia {pres-bi'-ah} 源自 4243;; 陰性名詞 AV - ambassage 1, message 1; 2 1) 年齡, 尊嚴, 長子的權力 2) 通常交託給年長的職責或任務, 特別指使節的職務, 大使 (#路 14:32; 19:14|)

4242 presbeia {pres-bi'-ah} from 4243;; n f AV - ambassage 1, message 1; 2 1) age, dignity, right of the first born 2) the business normally intrusted to elders, spec. the office of an ambassador, an embassy
4502 Rhouben {hroo-bane'} 希伯來文的起源是 07205;;陽性專有名詞 AV - Reuben 1; 1 流便 = "看阿!一個兒子" 1) 雅各的長子,由利亞所生 #啟 7:5|

4502 Rhouben {hroo-bane'} of Hebrew origin 07205;; n pr m AV - Reuben 1; 1 Reuben = "behold a son" 1) Jacob's firstborn child by Leah