字典搜尋結果 共有 8 筆

0535 'amal {aw-mal'} 字根型; TWOT - 114; 動詞 AV - languish 14, feeble 1, weak 1; 16 1) 成為虛弱的, 衰微, 變得無生氣, 精疲力竭 1a) (Qal) 被動分詞(心裡的) 1a1) 虛弱 1a2) 衰微 1b) (Pulal) 1b1) 衰弱或漸漸衰弱 1b2) 變得無生氣

0535 'amal {aw-mal'} a primitive root; TWOT - 114; v AV - languish 14, feeble 1, weak 1; 16 1) to be weak, to droop, to languish, to be exhausted 1a) (Qal) pass participle (of the heart) 1a1) to be weak 1a2) to droop 1b) (Pulal) 1b1) to be or grow feeble 1b2) to languish
0559 'amar {aw-mar'} 字根型; TWOT - 118; 動詞 AV - said 4874, speak 179, answer 99, command 30, tell 29, call 7, promised 6, misc. 84; 5308 1) 說, 講, 發言 1a) (Qal) 說, 回答, 心裡說, 想, 吩咐, 承諾, 意圖 1b) (Niphal) 被告知, 被說出, 被呼叫 1c) (Hithpael) 自誇, 舉止高傲 1d) (Hiphil) 坦承 , 聲稱

0559 'amar {aw-mar'} a primitive root; TWOT - 118; v AV - said 4874, speak 179, answer 99, command 30, tell 29, call 7, promised 6, misc. 84; 5308 1) to say, speak, utter 1a) (Qal) to say, to answer, to say in one's heart, to think, to command, to promise, to intend 1b) (Niphal) to be told, to be said, to be called 1c) (Hithpael) to boast, to act proudly 1d) (Hiphil) to avow, to avouch
03825 l@bab (亞蘭文) {leb-ab'} 相當於 03824; TWOT - 2809b; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - heart 7; 7 1) 心裡, 意念

03825 l@bab (Aramaic) {leb-ab'} corresponding to 03824; TWOT - 2809b; n m AV - heart 7; 7 1) heart, mind
07686 shagah {shaw-gaw'} 字根型; TWOT - 2325; 動詞 欽定本 - err 11, ravished 2, wander 3, deceiver 1, cause to go astray 1, sin through ignorance 1, go astray 1, deceived 1; 21 1) 走入歧途, 迷路, 偏離 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 偏離, 脫離正道 1a2) 改變, 漫遊, 蹣跚, 翻轉, 酒醉, 犯錯 (醉酒) 1a3) 墮落 (道德上) 1a4) 犯無知或怠慢的罪, 犯錯(無知的) 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) 引入歧途 1b2) 引入歧途, 帶壞(心裡上) 1b3) 引入歧途(道德上)

07686 shagah {shaw-gaw'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2325; v AV - err 11, ravished 2, wander 3, deceiver 1, cause to go astray 1, sin through ignorance 1, go astray 1, deceived 1; 21 1) to go astray, stray, err 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to err, stray 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err (in drunkenness) 1a3) to go astray (morally) 1a4) to commit sin of ignorance or inadvertence, err (ignorantly) 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to lead astray 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally) 1b3) to lead astray (morally)
2080 eso {es'-o} 源自1519; TDNT - 2:698,265; 副詞 欽定本- within 3, in 1, into 1, inward 1, inner 1, not tr 1; 8 1) 在裡面,進入到 2) 在裡面的 2a) 在內心裡的內在人性 2b) 魂,善惡心

2080 eso {es'-o} from 1519; TDNT - 2:698,265; adv AV - within 3, in 1, into 1, inward 1, inner 1, not tr 1; 8 1) to within, into 2) within 2a) the internal inner man 2b) the soul, conscience
3806 pathos {path'-os} 源於 3958 的替代字; TDNT - 5:926,798; 中性名詞 AV - inordinate affection 1, affection 1, lust 1; 3 1) 所遭臨的事(不論是悲傷或喜樂的) 1a) 特別指 一種苦難, 不幸, 災禍, 憂傷痛苦 2) 心理所遭受到的苦痛 2a) 心裡的悲傷, 激動, 激情 2b) 激情的行為 2c) 希臘人用來指好的或壞的方面的高漲的情緒 2d) 在新約中用以指負面的意思, 墮落的情慾, 不道德的激情慾望 其同義詞, 見 5845

3806 pathos {path'-os} from the alternate of 3958; TDNT - 5:926,798; n n AV - inordinate affection 1, affection 1, lust 1; 3 1) whatever befalls one, whether it be sad or joyous 1a) spec. a calamity, mishap, evil, affliction 2) a feeling which the mind suffers 2a) an affliction of the mind, emotion, passion 2b) passionate deed 2c) used by the Greeks in either a good or bad sense 2d) in the NT in a bad sense, depraved passion, vile passions For Synonyms see entry 5845
4050 perisseia {per-is-si'-ah} 源自 4052; TDNT - 6:63,828; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - abundance 2, abundantly 1, superfluity 1; 4 1) 豐富, 大量地, 過分地 (#羅 5:17; 林後 8:2|) 2) 優勢, 優先, 卓越 3) 增加, 利益 (#林後 10:15|) 4) 剩餘, 遺跡: 基督徒信主以前心裡殘餘留下的惡 (#雅 1:21|)

4050 perisseia {per-is-si'-ah} from 4052; TDNT - 6:63,828; n f AV - abundance 2, abundantly 1, superfluity 1; 4 1) abundance, superabundantly, superfluously 2) superiority, preference, pre-eminence 3) gain, profit 4) residue, remains: the wickedness remaining over in a Christian from his state prior to conversion
5182 turbazo {toor-bad'-zo} 源自 turbe (Latin turba, a crowd, 近似 to 2351);; 動詞 AV - trouble 1; 1 1) 打擾, 麻煩 2) 心裡困惑, 心中不平安 (#路 10:41|)

5182 turbazo {toor-bad'-zo} from turbe (Latin turba, a crowd, akin to 2351);; v AV - trouble 1; 1 1) disturb, trouble 2) to be troubled in mind, disquieted