字典搜尋結果 共有 5 筆

05875 `Eyn haq-Qowre' {ane-hak-ko-ray'} 源自 05869 和 07121 的主動分詞;; 專有名詞 地名 AV - Enhakkore 1; 1 隱哈歌利 = "神的回應之泉" 1) 神為回應參孫在以一塊驢腮骨擊殺一千非利士人後口渴的求告, 而引出的一股泉源

05875 `Eyn haq-Qowre' {ane-hak-ko-ray'} from 05869 and the act part of 07121;; n pr loc AV - Enhakkore 1; 1 En-hakkore = "spring of One calling" 1) the spring which the Lord brought forth in response to Samson's complaint of being thirsty after he had just killed 1000 men with the jawbone of an ass
06770 tsame' {tsaw-may'} 字根型; TWOT - 1926; 動詞 欽定本 - thirst 5, athirst 2, thirsty 1, suffer thirst 1, suffer thirst 1; 10 1) (Qal) 口渴

06770 tsame' {tsaw-may'} a primitive root; TWOT - 1926; v AV - thirst 5, athirst 2, thirsty 1, suffer thirst 1, suffer thirst 1; 10 1) (Qal) to be thirsty
06771 tsame' {tsaw-may'} 源自 06770; TWOT - 1926b; 形容詞 欽定本 - thirsty 7, thirst 2; 9 1) 口渴

06771 tsame' {tsaw-may'} from 06770; TWOT - 1926b; adj AV - thirsty 7, thirst 2; 9 1) thirsty
06772 tsama' {tsaw-maw'} 源自 06770; TWOT - 1926a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - thirst 16, thirsty 1; 17 1) 口渴

06772 tsama' {tsaw-maw'} from 06770; TWOT - 1926a; n m AV - thirst 16, thirsty 1; 17 1) thirst
1372 dipsao {dip-sah'-o} TDNT - 2:226,177; 動詞 AV - thirst 10, be thirsty 3, be athirst 3; 16 1) 口渴 2) 渴求

1372 dipsao {dip-sah'-o} from a variation of 1373; TDNT - 2:226,177; v AV - thirst 10, be thirsty 3, be athirst 3; 16 1) to suffer thirst, suffer from thirst 1a) figuratively, those who are said to thirst who painfully feel their want of, and eagerly long for, those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, strengthened