字典搜尋結果 共有 11 筆

02388 chazaq {khaw-zak'} 字根型; TWOT - 636; 動詞 欽定本 - strong 48, repair 47, hold 37, strengthened 28, strengthen 14, harden 13, prevail 10, encourage 9, take 9, courage 8, caught 5, stronger 5, hold 5, misc 52; 290 1) 鞏固, 得勝, 使剛硬, 強盛, 成為強的, 壯膽, 堅固, 健壯, 堅定, 痛心 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 強盛, 壯大 1a1a) 得勝, 勝過 1a1b) 堅固, 抓牢, 牢靠 1a1c) 強迫, 催逼 1a1d) 頑固, 剛硬, 無情 (不好的意義) 1a1e) 難過, 悲痛 1a2) 鞏固 1b) (Piel) 1b1) 使強盛 1b2) 恢復力量, 給與力量 1b3) 鞏固, 支持, 鼓舞 1b4) 使強盛, 使壯膽, 鼓舞 1b5) 使堅固 1b6) 使剛硬, 使無情 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) 使強盛, 鞏固 1c2) 使堅固 1c3) 展現力量 1c4) 使難過 1c5) 支援 1c6) 修理 1c7) 得勝, 勝過 1c8) 有, 拿, 掌握, 保持, 持有, 支持, 支援 1c9) 抓住, 保有 1d) (Hithpael) 1d1) 奮勇自強 1d2) 使出力量, 用某人的力量 1d3) 禁得起 1d4) 堅守

02388 chazaq {khaw-zak'} a primitive root; TWOT - 636; v AV - strong 48, repair 47, hold 37, strengthened 28, strengthen 14, harden 13, prevail 10, encourage 9, take 9, courage 8, caught 5, stronger 5, hold 5, misc 52; 290 1) to strengthen, prevail, harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow firm, be resolute, be sore 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be strong, grow strong 1a1a) to prevail, prevail upon 1a1b) to be firm, be caught fast, be secure 1a1c) to press, be urgent 1a1d) to grow stout, grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense) 1a1e) to be severe, be grievous 1a2) to strengthen 1b) (Piel) 1b1) to make strong 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength 1b3) to strengthen, sustain, encourage 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage 1b5) to make firm 1b6) to make rigid, make hard 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to make strong, strengthen 1c2) to make firm 1c3) to display strength 1c4) to make severe 1c5) to support 1c6) to repair 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon 1c8) to have or take or keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support 1c9) to hold, contain 1d) (Hithpael) 1d1) to strengthen oneself 1d2) to put forth strength, use one's strength 1d3) to withstand 1d4) to hold strongly with
03201 yakol {yaw-kole'} 或 (fuller) yakowl {yaw-kole'} 字根型; TWOT - 866; 動詞 AV - could 46, able 43, cannot 34, prevail 22, may 16, can 12, canst 5, endure 2, might 2, misc 13; 195 1) 獲勝, 克服, 忍受, 有權力, 有能力 1a) (Qal) 1a1) 有能力, 有能力去獲取或完成, 有能力去忍受, 有能力達到 1a2) 獲勝, 勝過或戰勝, 克服, 得勝 1a3) 有能力, 有力量

03201 yakol {yaw-kole'} or (fuller) yakowl {yaw-kole'} a primitive root; TWOT - 866; v AV - could 46, able 43, cannot 34, prevail 22, may 16, can 12, canst 5, endure 2, might 2, misc 13; 195 1) to prevail, overcome, endure, have power, be able 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be able, be able to gain or accomplish, be able to endure, be able to reach 1a2) to prevail, prevail over or against, overcome, be victor 1a3) to have ability, have strength
03467 yasha` {yaw-shah'} 字根型; TWOT - 929; 動詞 欽定本 - save 149, saviour 15, deliver 13, help 12, preserved 5, salvation 3, avenging 2, at all 1, avenged 1, defend 1, rescue 1, safe 1, victory 1; 205 1) 救, 被拯救, 被解救 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) 被釋放, 被救, 被解救 1a2) 獲救(在戰爭中), 戰勝 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) 救, 解救 1b2) 自道德困境中得救 1b3) 使得勝

03467 yasha` {yaw-shah'} a primitive root; TWOT - 929; v AV - save 149, saviour 15, deliver 13, help 12, preserved 5, salvation 3, avenging 2, at all 1, avenged 1, defend 1, rescue 1, safe 1, victory 1; 205 1) to save, be saved, be delivered 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to save, deliver 1b2) to save from moral troubles 1b3) to give victory to
05331 netsach {neh'-tsakh} 或 netsach {nay'-tsakh} 源自 05329; TWOT - 1402a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - ever 24, never 4, perpetual 3, always 2, end 2, victory 2, strength 2, alway 1, constantly 1, evermore 1, never + 03808 1; 43 1) 地位高的人, 永遠, 力量, 得勝, 永續的, 長存 1a) 地位高的人 1b) 生命的永續 1c) 時間上的持續, 長久的, 不間斷的, 直到末了 1d) 長存, 永永遠遠

05331 netsach {neh'-tsakh} or netsach {nay'-tsakh} from 05329; TWOT - 1402a; n m AV - ever 24, never 4, perpetual 3, always 2, end 2, victory 2, strength 2, alway 1, constantly 1, evermore 1, never + 03808 1; 43 1) eminence, perpetuity, strength, victory, enduring, everlastingness 1a) eminence 1b) enduring of life 1c) endurance in time, perpetual, continual, unto the end 1d) everlastingness, ever
932 basileia {bas-il-i'-ah} 源自 935; TDNT - 1:579,97; 陰性名詞 AV - kingdom (of God) 71, kingdom (of heaven) 32, kingdom (general or evil) 20, (Thy or Thine) kingdom 6, His kingdom 6, the kingdom 5, (My) kingdom 4, misc 18; 162 1) 王權, 王位, 統治, 管轄 1a) 勿和實際有形王國(國界內的領土, 國家)的意思混稀, 而是指對 一個王國的統治和領導的權柄 1b) 指耶穌身為彌賽亞的得勝權柄 1c) 指基督徒在彌賽亞的國中所要領受的榮耀權柄 2) 王國, 一個王所管轄統領的領域 3) 在新約中用以來指稱彌賽亞的國度(天國)

932 basileia {bas-il-i'-ah} from 935; TDNT - 1:579,97; n f AV - kingdom (of God) 71, kingdom (of heaven) 32, kingdom (general or evil) 20, (Thy or Thine) kingdom 6, His kingdom 6, the kingdom 5, (My) kingdom 4, misc 18; 162 1) royal power, kingship, dominion, rule 1a) not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom 1b) of the royal power of Jesus as the triumphant Messiah 1c) of the royal power and dignity conferred on Christians in the Messiah's kingdom 2) a kingdom, the territory subject to the rule of a king 3) used in the N.T. to refer to the reign of the Messiah
1017 brabeion {brab-i'-on} 源自 brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); TDNT - 1:638,110; 中性名詞 AV - prize 2; 2 1) 授與競賽得勝者的獎杯, 獎賞 2) 隱喻從天上而來, 給予基督徒好品格的賞賜 (#林前 9:24; 腓 3:14|)

1017 brabeion {brab-i'-on} from brabeus (an umpire of uncertain derivation); TDNT - 1:638,110; n n AV - prize 2; 2 1) the award to the victor in the games, a prize 2) metaph. of the heavenly reward for Christian character
2170 eucharistos {yoo-khar'-is-tos} 源自 2095 and a derivative of 5483; TDNT - 9:407,1298; 形容詞 AV - thankful 1; 1 1) 為恩惠而心存感激, 感恩的, 欣慰的 2) 討人喜歡的, 令人愉快的, 3) 被接納的, 得勝的, 心胸寬闊的, 行善的 (#西 3:15|)

2170 eucharistos {yoo-khar'-is-tos} from 2095 and a derivative of 5483; TDNT - 9:407,1298; adj AV - thankful 1; 1 1) mindful of favours, grateful, thankful 2) pleasing, agreeable 3) acceptable to others, winning, liberal, beneficent
3528 nikao {nik-ah'-o} 源自3529; TDNT - 4:942,634; 動詞 AV - overcome 24, conquer 2, prevail 1, get the victory 1; 28 1) 面臨諸般阻礙而勝利, 克勝, 征服, 得勝 1a) 在戰爭或競賽 1b) 在法律行動上 (#羅 3:4|) 2) 制勝某人,征服,擊敗

3528 nikao {nik-ah'-o} from 3529; TDNT - 4:942,634; v AV - overcome 24, conquer 2, prevail 1, get the victory 1; 28 1) to conquer 1a) to carry off the victory, come off victorious 1a1) of Christ, victorious over all His foes 1a2) of Christians, that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations and persecutions 1a3) when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one's cause
4394 propheteia {prof-ay-ti'-ah} 源自 4396 ("prophecy"); TDNT - 6:781,952; 陰性名詞 欽定本- prophecy 16, prophesying 3; 19 1) 預言 1a) 一種從神聖的感動而發出的對話,並且宣明了神的意圖目的. 責備和告誡作惡的人, 或安慰受折磨的人.或揭示隱藏的事, 特別是以預先告知將來的事的方式來說明. 1b) 用在舊約中,是指舊約先知的論述 1b1) 有關於基督的國度和國度快速的得勝,以及安慰和告誡有關於國度的事, 說預言的能力所歸屬的那種說預言的靈,神聖的心思, 1b2) 稱作先知的基督徒教師所具有的稟賦和講論 1b3) 是指那些先知們的恩賜和口才,特別是指,在教導福音以外, 對成就基督國的工作的預言

4394 propheteia {prof-ay-ti'-ah} from 4396 ("prophecy"); TDNT - 6:781,952; n f AV - prophecy 16, prophesying 3; 19 1) prophecy 1a) a discourse emanating from divine inspiration and declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; esp. by foretelling future events 1b) Used in the NT of the utterance of OT prophets 1b1) of the prediction of events relating to Christ's kingdom and its speedy triumph, together with the consolations and admonitions pertaining to it, the spirit of prophecy, the divine mind, to which the prophetic faculty is due 1b2) of the endowment and speech of the Christian teachers called prophets 1b3) the gifts and utterances of these prophets, esp. of the predictions of the works of which, set apart to teach the gospel, will accomplish for the kingdom of Christ
4737 stephanoo {stef-an-o'-o} 源於 4735; TDNT - 7:615,1078; 動詞 AV - crown 3; 3 1) 加上冠冕, 加冕: 指在競賽中的得勝者 2) 使生色, 尊敬

4737 stephanoo {stef-an-o'-o} from 4735; TDNT - 7:615,1078; v AV - crown 3; 3 1) to encircle with a crown, to crown: the victor in a contest 2) to adorn, to honour
4937 suntribo {soon-tree'-bo} 源自 4862 and the base of 5147; TDNT - 7:919,1124; 動詞 AV - bruise 3, break 2, broken to shivers 1, brokenhearted + 2588 1, break in pieces 1; 8 1) 打破, 弄成碎片, 把…粉碎 2) 踐踏 2a) 將撒旦置於腳下並以得勝征服的姿態踐踏之 2b) 折斷, 壓碎 2b1) 撕裂身體並粉碎其力量

4937 suntribo {soon-tree'-bo} from 4862 and the base of 5147; TDNT - 7:919,1124; v AV - bruise 3, break 2, broken to shivers 1, brokenhearted + 2588 1, break in pieces 1; 8 1) break, to break in pieces, shiver 2) to tread down 2a) to put Satan under foot and (as a conqueror) trample on him 2b) to break down, crush 2b1) to tear one's body and shatter one's strength