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字典搜尋結果 共有 16 筆

0588 'Anacharath {an-aw-kha-rawth'} 可能源自與 05170 有相同字根;; 專有名詞, 地名 AV - Anaharath 1; 1 亞拿哈拉 = "憂慮的呻吟" 1) (BDB) 在拿弗他利的城巿 2) (CLBL) 在以薩迦的城巿

0588 'Anacharath {an-aw-kha-rawth'} probably from the same root as 05170;; n pr loc AV - Anaharath 1; 1 Anaharath = "the groaning of fear" 1) (BDB) city in Naphtali 2) (CLBL) city in Issachar
01674 d@'agah {deh-aw-gaw'} 源自 01672; TWOT - 393a; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - carefulness 2, fear 1, heaviness 1, sorrow 1, with care 1; 6 1) 憂慮, 多慮的關注, 關心

01674 d@'agah {deh-aw-gaw'} from 01672; TWOT - 393a; n f AV - carefulness 2, fear 1, heaviness 1, sorrow 1, with care 1; 6 1) anxiety, anxious care, care
02731 charadah {khar-aw-daw'} 源自 02730; TWOT - 735b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - trembling 4, fear 2, exceedingly 1, care 1, quaking 1; 9 1) 懼怕, 焦慮, 戰慄, 顫抖, (極度) 憂慮, 多慮 1a) 顫抖, 戰慄 1b) 多慮

02731 charadah {khar-aw-daw'} from 02730; TWOT - 735b; n f AV - trembling 4, fear 2, exceedingly 1, care 1, quaking 1; 9 1) fear, anxiety, quaking, trembling, (extreme) anxiety, anxious care 1a) trembling, quaking 1b) anxious care
02736 Charhayah {khar-hah-yaw'} 源自 02734 與 03050;;陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Harhaiah 1; 1 哈海雅 = "耶和華的憂慮" 1)烏薛的父親,其為尼希米時期城牆的建造者

02736 Charhayah {khar-hah-yaw'} from 02734 and 03050;; n pr m AV - Harhaiah 1; 1 Harhaiah = "fear of Jehovah" 1) father of Uzziel who was one of the builders of the wall in Nehemiah's time
03374 yir'ah {yir-aw'} 源自 03373; TWOT - 907b; 陰性名詞 欽定本 - fear 41, exceedingly + 01419 2, dreadful 1, fearfulness 1; 45 1) 憂慮, 恐懼, 不安 1a) 害怕, 驚恐 1b) 令人敬畏或恐懼的事物 (引起害怕的物體) 1c) 敬畏 (上帝), 尊敬, 崇敬, 虔敬 1d) 敬愛

03374 yir'ah {yir-aw'} from 03373; TWOT - 907b; n f AV - fear 41, exceedingly + 01419 2, dreadful 1, fearfulness 1; 45 1) fear, terror, fearing 1a) fear, terror 1b) awesome or terrifying thing (object causing fear) 1c) fear (of God), respect, reverence, piety 1d) revered
04157 muw`aqah {moo-aw-kaw'} 源自 05781; TWOT - 1585b; 陰性名詞 AV - affliction 1; 1 1) 壓縮, 憂慮苦惱, 壓力

04157 muw`aqah {moo-aw-kaw'} from 05781; TWOT - 1585b; n f AV - affliction 1; 1 1) compression, distress, pressure
04578 me`ah {may-aw'} 字根已不使用,可能意為柔軟; TWOT - 1227a; 陽性名詞 AV - bowels 27, belly 3, heart 1, womb 1; 32 1) 內臟, 肺腑, 腸子, 腹部 1a) 肺腑 1b) 消化器官 1c) 生殖器官, 子宮 1d) 情緒之所在, 或憂慮或愛憐 (比喻用法) 1e) 外腹部

04578 me`ah {may-aw'} from an unused root probably meaning to be soft; TWOT - 1227a; n m AV - bowels 27, belly 3, heart 1, womb 1; 32 1) internal organs, inward parts, bowels, intestines, belly 1a) inward parts 1b) digestive organs 1c) organs of procreation, womb 1d) place of emotions or distress or love (fig.) 1e) external belly
05911 `Akowr {aw-kore'} 源自 05916; TWOT - 1621a; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - Achor 5; 5 1) 麻煩, 憂慮 1a) 亞割 - 連累之谷, 亞干一家人在此遭石頭打死 (# 書 7:26|)

05911 `Akowr {aw-kore'} from 05916; TWOT - 1621a; n m AV - Achor 5; 5 1) trouble, disturbance 1a) Achor - as the valley of trouble where Achan and his family were stoned
05918 `Okran {ok-rawn'} 源自 05916;; 陽性專有名詞 AV - Ocran 5; 5 俄蘭 = "憂慮的" 1) 亞設人, 帕結的父親

05918 `Okran {ok-rawn'} from 05916;; n pr m AV - Ocran 5; 5 Ocran = "troubled" 1) an Asherite, father of Pagiel
06976 Qowts {kotse} 與 06975同;; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Koz 4, Coz 1, Hakkoz 1; 6 哈歌斯 = "荊棘;苦惱,憂慮" 1)猶太所出的後裔 2)一個跟隨所羅巴伯歸回的祭司

06976 Qowts {kotse} the same as 06975;; n pr m AV - Koz 4, Coz 1, Hakkoz 1; 6 Koz = "thorn" 1) a descendant of Judah 2) a priest who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
07264 ragaz {raw-gaz'} 字根型; TWOT - 2112; 動詞 AV - tremble 12, move 7, rage 5, shake 3, disquiet 3, troubled 3, quake 2, afraid 1, misc 5; 41 1) 發抖, 震動, 發怒, 顫動, 心煩意亂, 激動的, 感到煩惱 1a) (Qal) 震動, 憂慮, 激動的, 煩惱 1b) (Hiphil) 使顫抖, 使憂慮, 激怒, 使心神不寧 1c) (Hithpael) 使自己激動

07264 ragaz {raw-gaz'} a primitive root; TWOT - 2112; v AV - tremble 12, move 7, rage 5, shake 3, disquiet 3, troubled 3, quake 2, afraid 1, misc 5; 41 1) tremble, quake, rage, quiver, be agitated, be excited, be perturbed 1a) (Qal) to quake, be disquieted, be excited, be perturbed 1b) (Hiphil) to cause to quake, disquiet, enrage, disturb 1c) (Hithpael) to excite oneself
2124 eulabeia {yoo-lab'-i-ah} 源於 2126; TDNT - 2:751,275; 陰性名詞 AV - godly fear 1, fear 1; 2 1) 謹慎, 慎重, 周詳 1a) 謹慎避免 1b) 合理的迴避 2) 尊敬, 崇拜 2a) 對神的崇拜, 對神的敬畏, 虔誠 3) 憂慮, 畏懼 其同義字, 見 5835

2124 eulabeia {yoo-lab'-i-ah} from 2126; TDNT - 2:751,275; n f AV - godly fear 1, fear 1; 2 1) caution, circumspection, discretion 1a) avoidance 1b) a reasonable shunning 2) reverence, veneration 2a) reverence toward God, godly fear, piety 3) fear anxiety, dread For Synonyms see entry 5835
3309 merimnao {mer-im-nah'-o} 源自 3308; TDNT - 4:589,584; 動詞 AV - take thought 11, care 5, be careful 2, have care 1; 19 1) 掛念焦慮的 1a) 憂慮煩愁 2) 在乎計較, 設法得到 (某物或某事) 2a) 探索或發揚個人的興趣喜好 2b) 在意, 為...做預備

3309 merimnao {mer-im-nah'-o} from 3308; TDNT - 4:589,584; v AV - take thought 11, care 5, be careful 2, have care 1; 19 1) to be anxious 1a) to be troubled with cares 2) to care for, look out for (a thing) 2a) to seek to promote one's interests 2b) caring or providing for
3791 ochleo {okh-leh'-o} 源自 3793;; 動詞 AV - vex 2; 2 1) 激起烏合之眾反對某人 2) 使心神不寧 3) 使憂慮, 妨礙干擾 4) 在混亂騷動之際 5) 被惡魔所纏附攪擾 (#路 6:18; 徒 5:16|)

3791 ochleo {okh-leh'-o} from 3793;; v AV - vex 2; 2 1) to excite a mob against one 2) to disturb, roll away 3) to trouble, molest 4) be in confusion, in an uproar 5) to be vexed, molested, troubled: by demons
4044 peripeiro {per-ee-pi'-ro} 源自 4012 and the base of 4008;; 動詞 AV - pierce through 1; 1 1) 穿刺入, 刺透 2) 隱喻.心靈被憂慮所折磨 (#提前 6:10|)

4044 peripeiro {per-ee-pi'-ro} from 4012 and the base of 4008;; v AV - pierce through 1; 1 1) to pierce through 2) metaph. to torture one's soul with sorrows
4360 prosochthizo {pros-okh-thid'-zo} 源於 4314 和 ochtheo 之一型 (被令人憂慮的所困擾);; 動詞 AV - be grieved with 2; 2 1) 生氣或惱怒於... 2) 憎惡 3) 令人作嘔 4) 嫌棄

4360 prosochthizo {pros-okh-thid'-zo} from 4314 and a form of ochtheo (to be vexed with something irksome);; v AV - be grieved with 2; 2 1) to be wroth or displeased with 2) to loathe 3) to spew out 4) to be disgusted with
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