
中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 11
  1. Deu33:25 Your shoes will be iron and brass; and as your days, so may your work be.

  2. Jug16:3 And Samson was there till the middle of the night; then he got up, and took a grip on the doors of the town, pulling them up, together with their two supports and their locks, and put them on his back and took them up to the top of the hill in front of Hebron.

  3. Job17:16 Will they go down with me into the underworld? Will we go down together into the dust?

  4. Psm147:13 He has made strong the iron bands of your doors; he has sent blessings on your children inside your walls.

  5. Pro18:19 A brother wounded is like a strong town, and violent acts are like a locked tower.

  6. Son5:5 I got up to let my loved one in; and my hands were dropping with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the lock of the door.

  7. Jer51:30 Babylon's men of war have kept back from the fight, waiting in their strong places; their strength has given way, they have become like women: her houses have been put on fire, her locks are broken.

  8. Lam2:9 Her doors have gone down into the earth; he has sent destruction on her locks: her king and her princes are among the nations where the law is not; even her prophets have had no vision from the Lord.

  9. Hos11:6 And the sword will go through his towns, wasting his children and causing destruction because of their evil designs.

  10. Amo1:5 And I will have the locks of the door of Damascus broken, and him who is seated in power cut off from the valley of Aven, and him in whose hand is the rod from the house of Eden; and the people of Aram will go away as prisoners into Kir, says the Lord.

  11. Nah3:13 See, the people who are in you are women; the doorways of your land are wide open to your attackers: the locks of your doors have been burned away in the fire.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容