中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
共 15 节经文
  1. 2Ki21:14 And I will put away from me the rest of my heritage, and give them up into the hands of their haters, who will take their property and their goods for themselves;

  2. 2Ki23:27 And the Lord said, I will send Judah away from before my face, as I have sent Israel; I will have nothing more to do with this town, which I had made mine, even Jerusalem, and the holy house of which I said, My name will be there.

  3. Job1:5 And at the end of their days of feasting, Job sent and made them clean, getting up early in the morning and offering burned offerings for them all. For, Job said, It may be that my sons have done wrong and said evil of God in their hearts. And Job did this whenever the feasts came round.

  4. Job1:11 But now, put out your hand against all he has, and he will be cursing you to your face.

  5. Job2:5 But now, if you only put your hand on his bone and his flesh, he will certainly be cursing you to your face.

  6. Job2:9 And his wife said to him, Are you still keeping your righteousness? Say a curse against God, and put an end to yourself.

  7. Psm78:67 And he put the tent of Joseph on one side, and took not the tribe of Ephraim;

  8. Jer6:30 They will be named waste silver, because the Lord has given them up.

  9. Jer8:9 The wise men are shamed, they are overcome with fear and taken: see, they have given up the word of the Lord; and what use is their wisdom to them?

  10. Jer14:19 Have you completely given up Judah? is your soul turned in disgust from Zion? why have you given us blows from which there is no one to make us well? we were looking for peace, but no good came; and for a time of well-being, but there was only a great fear.

  11. Eze5:6 And she has gone against my orders by doing evil more than the nations, and against my rules more than the countries round her: for they have given up my orders, and as for my rules, they have not gone in the way of them.

  12. Eze31:12 And men from strange lands, who are to be feared among the nations, after cutting him off, have let him be: on the mountains and in all the valleys his branches have come down; his arms are broken by all the waterways of the land; all the peoples of the earth have gone from his shade, and have let him be.

  13. Eze36:25 And I will put clean water on you so that you may be clean: from all your unclean ways and from all your images I will make you clean.

  14. Hos4:6 Destruction has overtaken my people because they have no knowledge; because you have given up knowledge, I will give you up, so that you will be no priest to me, because you have not kept in mind the law of your God, I will not keep your children in my memory.

  15. Luk6:22 Happy are you, when men have hate for you, and put you away from among them and say angry words to you, turning away in disgust at your name, because of the Son of man.

中文和合本圣经 King James Version (具strong number)中文和合本 简体圣经 搜寻字典内容
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