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中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 5
  1. 2Sa21:18 Now after this there was war with the Philistines again at Gob, and Sibbecai the Hushathite put to death Saph, one of the offspring of the Rephaim.

  2. 2Sa23:27 Abiezer the Anathothite, Sibbecai the Hushathite,

  3. 1Ch11:29 Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite,

  4. 1Ch20:4 Now after this there was war with the Philistines at Gezer; then Sibbecai the Hushathite put to death Sippai, one of the offspring of the Rephaim; and they were overcome.

  5. 1Ch27:11 The eighth captain for the eighth month was Sibbecai the Hushathite, of the Zerahites; and in his division were twenty-four thousand.

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
牧師:盧佳惠傳道師 地址:彰化縣芳苑鄉仁愛村斗苑路芳苑段245號
地圖一 地圖二
email:fychurch@fhl.net 電話:04-8984316
創設日期:主後1899年9月16日 劃撥帳號:02874751