中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容
total: 36
  1. Luk3:13 And he said to them, Do not make an attempt to get more money than the right amount.

  2. Luk19:23 Why then did you not put my money in a bank, so that when I came I would get it back with interest?

  3. Luk22:23 And they were wondering among themselves which of them it was who would do this thing.

  4. Luk23:15 And Herod is of the same opinion, for he has sent him back to us; for, you see, he has done nothing for which I might put him to death.

  5. Luk23:41 And with reason; for we have the right reward of our acts, but this man has done nothing wrong.

  6. Jhn3:20 The light is hated by everyone whose acts are evil and he does not come to the light for fear that his acts will be seen.

  7. Jhn5:29 And they will come out; those who have done good, into the new life; and those who have done evil, to be judged.

  8. Act3:17 And now, my brothers, I am conscious that you did this, as did your rulers, without knowledge.

  9. Act5:35 And he said to them, Men of Israel, take care what you do about these men.

  10. Act15:29 To keep from things offered to false gods, and from blood, and from things put to death in ways which are against the law, and from the evil desires of the body; if you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. May you be happy.

  11. Act16:28 But Paul said in a loud voice, Do yourself no damage, for we are all here.

  12. Act17:7 Whom Jason has taken into his house: and they are acting against the orders of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus.

  13. Act19:19 And a great number of those who were experts in strange arts took their books and put them on the fire in front of everyone: and when the books were valued they came to fifty thousand bits of silver.

  14. Act19:36 So then, because these things may not be doubted, it would be better for you to be quiet, and do nothing unwise.

  15. Act25:12 Then Festus, having had a discussion with the Jews, made answer, You have said, Let my cause come before Caesar; to Caesar you will go.

  16. Act25:26 But I have no certain account of him to send to Caesar. So I have sent for him to come before you, and specially before you, King Agrippa, so that after the business has been gone into, I may have something to put in writing.

  17. Act26:10 And this I did in Jerusalem: and numbers of the saints I put in prison, having had authority given to me from the chief priests, and when they were put to death, I gave my decision against them.

  18. Act26:21 For this reason, the Jews took me in the Temple, and made an attempt to put me to death.

  19. Act26:27 King Agrippa, have you faith in the prophets? I am certain that you have.

  20. Act26:32 And Agrippa said to Festus, This man might have been made free, if he had not put his cause before Caesar.

  21. Rom1:32 Who, though they have knowledge of the law of God, that the fate of those who do these things is death, not only go on doing these things themselves, but give approval to those who do them.

  22. Rom2:1 So you have no reason, whoever you are, for judging: for in judging another you are judging yourself, for you do the same things.

  23. Rom2:2 And we are conscious that God is a true judge against those who do such things.

  24. Rom2:3 But you who are judging another for doing what you do yourself, are you hoping that God's decision will not take effect against you?

  25. Rom2:25 It is true that circumcision is of use if you keep the law, but if you go against the law it is as if you had it not.

  26. Rom7:15 And I have no clear knowledge of what I am doing, for that which I have a mind to do, I do not, but what I have hate for, that I do.

  27. Rom7:19 For the good which I have a mind to do, I do not: but the evil which I have no mind to do, that I do.

  28. Rom9:11 Before the children had come into existence, or had done anything good or bad, in order that God's purpose and his selection might be effected, not by works, but by him whose purpose it is,

  29. Rom13:4 For he is the servant of God to you for good. But if you do evil, have fear; for the sword is not in his hand for nothing: he is God's servant, making God's punishment come on the evil-doer.

  30. 1Co9:17 But if I do it gladly, I have a reward; and if not, I am under orders to do it.

  31. 2Co5:10 For we all have to come before Christ to be judged; so that every one of us may get his reward for the things done in the body, good or bad.

  32. 2Co12:21 And that when I come again, my God may put me to shame among you, and I may have grief for those who have done wrong before and have had no regret for their unclean ways, and for the evil desires of the flesh to which they have given way.

  33. Gal5:21 Envy, uncontrolled drinking and feasting, and such things: of which I give you word clearly, even as I did in the past, that they who do such things will have no part in the kingdom of God.

  34. Eph6:21 But so that you may have knowledge of my business, and how I am, Tychicus, the well-loved brother and tested servant in the Lord, will give you news of all things:

  35. Phl4:9 The things which came to you by my teaching and preaching, and which you saw in me, these things do, and the God of peace will be with you.

  36. 1Ts4:11 And that you may take pride in being quiet and doing your business, working with your hands as we gave you orders;

中文和合本聖經 King James Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 搜尋字典內容