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中文和合本聖經 King James Version Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經 有聲聖經

約翰福音 第一章

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
total: 51 路加福音 使徒行傳

  1. [big5] 太初有道,道與神同在,道就是神。
    [bbe] From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God.

  2. [big5] 這道太初與神同在。
    [bbe] This Word was from the first in relation with God.

  3. [big5] 萬物是藉著他造的;凡被造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。
    [bbe] All things came into existence through him, and without him nothing was.

  4. [big5] 生命在他裡頭,這生命就是人的光。
    [bbe] What came into existence in him was life, and the life was the light of men.

  5. [big5] 光照在黑暗裡,黑暗卻不接受光。
    [bbe] And the light goes on shining in the dark; it is not overcome by the dark.

  6. [big5] 有一個人,是從神那裡差來的,名叫約翰。
    [bbe] There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

  7. [big5] 這人來,為要作見證,就是為光作見證,叫眾人因他可以信。
    [bbe] He came for witness, to give witness about the light, so that all men might have faith through him.

  8. [big5] 他不是那光,乃是要為光作見證。
    [bbe] He himself was not the light: he was sent to give witness about the light.

  9. [big5] 那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人。
    [bbe] The true light, which gives light to every man, was then coming into the world.

  10. [big5] 他在世界,世界也是藉著他造的,世界卻不認識他。
    [bbe] He was in the world, the world which came into being through him, but the world had no knowledge of him.

  11. [big5] 他到自己的地方來,自己的人倒不接待他。
    [bbe] He came to the things which were his and his people did not take him to their hearts.

  12. [big5] 凡接待他的,就是信他名的人,他就賜他們權柄,作神的兒女。
    [bbe] To all those who did so take him, however, he gave the right of becoming children of God--that is, to those who had faith in his name:

  13. [big5] 這等人不是從血氣生的,不是從情慾生的,也不是從人意生的,乃是從神生的。
    [bbe] Whose birth was from God and not from blood, or from an impulse of the flesh and man's desire.

  14. [big5] 道成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。
    [bbe] And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace.

  15. [big5] 約翰為他作見證,喊著說:這就是我曾說:那在我以後來的,反成了在我以前的,因他本來在我以前。
    [bbe] John gave witness about him, crying, This is he of whom I said, He who is coming after me is put over me because he was in existence before me.

  16. [big5] 從他豐滿的恩典裡,我們都領受了,而且恩上加恩。
    [bbe] From his full measure we have all been given grace on grace.

  17. [big5] 律法本是藉著摩西傳的;恩典和真理都是由耶穌基督來的。
    [bbe] For the law was given through Moses; grace and the true way of life are ours through Jesus Christ.

  18. [big5] 從來沒有人看見神,只有在父懷裡的獨生子將他表明出來。
    [bbe] No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is.

  19. [big5] 約翰所作的見證記在下面:猶太人從耶路撒冷差祭司和利未人到約翰那裡,問他說:你是誰?
    [bbe] And this is the witness of John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to him with the question, Who are you?

  20. [big5] 他就明說,並不隱瞞,明說:我不是基督。
    [bbe] He said quite openly and straightforwardly, I am not the Christ.

  21. [big5] 他們又問他說:這樣,你是誰呢?是以利亞嗎?他說:我不是。是那先知嗎?他回答說:不是。
    [bbe] And they said to him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the prophet? And his answer was, I am not.

  22. [big5] 於是他們說:你到底是誰,叫我們好回覆差我們來的人。你自己說,你是誰?
    [bbe] So they said to him, Who are you then? We have to give some answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?

  23. [big5] 他說:我就是那在曠野有人聲喊著說:修直主的道路,正如先知以賽亞所說的。
    [bbe] He said, I am the voice of one crying in the waste land, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said Isaiah the prophet.

  24. [big5] 那些人是法利賽人差來的(或作:那差來的是法利賽人);
    [bbe] Those who had been sent came from the Pharisees.

  25. [big5] 他們就問他說:你既不是基督,不是以利亞,也不是那先知,為什麼施洗呢?
    [bbe] And they put this question to him, saying, Why then are you giving baptism if you are not the Christ, or Elijah, or the prophet?

  26. [big5] 約翰回答說:我是用水施洗,但有一位站在你們中間,是你們不認識的,
    [bbe] John's answer was: I give baptism with water; but there is one among you of whom you have no knowledge;

  27. [big5] 就是那在我以後來的,我給他解鞋帶也不配。
    [bbe] It is he who is coming after me; I am not good enough to undo his shoes.

  28. [big5] 這是在約但河外伯大尼(有古卷:伯大巴喇),約翰施洗的地方作的見證。
    [bbe] These things took place at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan, where John was giving baptism.

  29. [big5] 次日,約翰看見耶穌來到他那裡,就說:看哪,神的羔羊,除去(或作:背負)世人罪孽的!
    [bbe] The day after, John sees Jesus coming to him and says, See, here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

  30. [big5] 這就是我曾說:有一位在我以後來、反成了在我以前的,因他本來在我以前。
    [bbe] This is he of whom I said, One is coming after me who is put over me because he was in existence before me.

  31. [big5] 我先前不認識他,如今我來用水施洗,為要叫他顯明給以色列人。
    [bbe] I myself had no knowledge of him, but I came giving baptism with water so that he might be seen openly by Israel.

  32. [big5] 約翰又作見證說:我曾看見聖靈,彷彿鴿子從天降下,住在他的身上。
    [bbe] And John gave this witness, saying, I saw the Spirit coming down from heaven like a dove and resting on him.

  33. [big5] 我先前不認識他,只是那差我來用水施洗的、對我說:你看見聖靈降下來,住在誰的身上,誰就是用聖靈施洗的。
    [bbe] I had no knowledge who he was, but he who sent me to give baptism with water said to me, The one on whom you see the Spirit coming down and resting, it is he who gives baptism with the Holy Spirit.

  34. [big5] 我看見了,就證明這是神的兒子。
    [bbe] This I saw myself and my witness is that he is the Son of God.

  35. [big5] 再次日,約翰同兩個門徒站在那裡。
    [bbe] The day after, John was there again with two of his disciples;

  36. [big5] 他見耶穌行走,就說:看哪!這是神的羔羊!
    [bbe] And looking at Jesus while he was walking he said, See, there is the Lamb of God!

  37. [big5] 兩個門徒聽見他的話,就跟從了耶穌。
    [bbe] Hearing what he said, the two disciples went after Jesus.

  38. [big5] 耶穌轉過身來,看見他們跟著,就問他們說:你們要什麼?他們說:拉比,在哪裡住?(拉比翻出來就是夫子。)
    [bbe] And Jesus, turning round, saw them coming after him and said to them, What are you looking for? They said to him, Rabbi (which is to say, Master), where are you living?

  39. [big5] 耶穌說:你們來看。他們就去看他在哪裡住,這一天便與他同住;那時約有申正了。
    [bbe] He said to them, Come and see. They went with him then and saw where he was living; and they were with him all that day: it was then about the tenth hour of the day.

  40. [big5] 聽見約翰的話跟從耶穌的那兩個人,一個是西門彼得的兄弟安得烈。
    [bbe] Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two men who, hearing what John said, went after Jesus.

  41. [big5] 他先找著自己的哥哥西門,對他說:我們遇見彌賽亞了。(彌賽亞翻出來就是基督。)
    [bbe] Early in the morning he came across his brother and said to him, We have made discovery! It is the Messiah! (which is to say, the Christ).

  42. [big5] 於是領他去見耶穌。耶穌看著他,說:你是約翰的兒子西門(約翰在馬太16:17稱約拿),你要稱為磯法。(磯法翻出來就是彼得。)
    [bbe] And he took him to Jesus. Looking at him fixedly Jesus said, You are Simon, the son of John; your name will be Cephas (which is to say, Peter).

  43. [big5] 又次日,耶穌想要往加利利去,遇見腓力,就對他說:來跟從我吧。
    [bbe] The day after this, Jesus had a desire to go into Galilee. He came across Philip and said to him, Come and be my disciple.

  44. [big5] 這腓力是伯賽大人,和安得烈、彼得同城。
    [bbe] Now Philip's town was Beth-saida, where Andrew and Peter came from.

  45. [big5] 腓力找著拿但業,對他說:摩西在律法上所寫的和眾先知所記的那一位,我們遇見了,就是約瑟的兒子拿撒勒人耶穌。
    [bbe] Philip came across Nathanael and said to him, We have made a discovery! It is he of whom Moses, in the law, and the prophets were writing, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.

  46. [big5] 拿但業對他說:拿撒勒還能出什麼好的嗎?腓力說:你來看!
    [bbe] Nazareth! said Nathanael, Is it possible for any good to come out of Nazareth? Philip said to him, Come and see.

  47. [big5] 耶穌看見拿但業來,就指著他說:看哪,這是個真以色列人,他心裡是沒有詭詐的。
    [bbe] Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and said of him, See, here is a true son of Israel in whom there is nothing false.

  48. [big5] 拿但業對耶穌說:你從哪裡知道我呢?耶穌回答說:腓力還沒有招呼你,你在無花果樹底下,我就看見你了。
    [bbe] Nathanael said to him, Where did you get knowledge of me? In answer Jesus said, Before Philip was talking with you, while you were still under the fig-tree, I saw you.

  49. [big5] 拿但業說:拉比,你是神的兒子,你是以色列的王!
    [bbe] Nathanael said to him, Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel!

  50. [big5] 耶穌對他說:因為我說在無花果樹底下看見你,你就信嗎?你將要看見比這更大的事;
    [bbe] In answer Jesus said to him, You have faith because I said to you, I saw you under the fig-tree. You will see greater things than these.

  51. [big5] 又說:我實實在在的告訴你們,你們將要看見天開了,神的使者上去下來在人子身上。
    [bbe] And he said to him, Truly I say to you all, You will see heaven opening and God's angels going up and coming down on the Son of man.

路加福音 路加福音 第二十四章 約翰福音 第二章 使徒行傳
中文和合本聖經 King James Version Basic English Version (含strong number)中文和合本 簡體聖經
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