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08677 同義強壯碼   
  有時候, 一個字或一句片語有兩種強壯碼, 一個是屬於字或句子本身   
  在#士 20:18| "上帝的家" 這句片語被編碼成 "上帝 <0430> <08677>    
<01008> 的家 <01004> " 在這個例子中, 這句也可以用於指地名 "伯特利"    
而其強壯碼為 01008.  只有根據上下文, 你才能從個別的字中分辨適當   
的希伯來名稱. 因此, 相同的希伯來文因翻譯者不同會有不同的翻譯.

08677 Synonym Strong's Numbers Sometimes, a word or phrase has individual Strong's numbers assigned to it and it has an additional Strong's number for the entire phrase. In Jud. 20:18 the phrase "house of God" is coded as "house <01004> of God <0430> <08677> <01008>" In this case the phrase could also mean place Bethel which has the Strong's number 01008. Only by context can you distinguish proper names in Hebrew from individual words. Hence translators do arrive at different renderings for the same Hebrew.

