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08165 Se`iyr {say-eer'}   
型如08163; TWOT - 2274h,2274g   
欽定本 - Seir 39; 39   
西珥 = "多毛的" 或 "長滿粗毛的"   
1) 何利族長, 在以東人以掃的後裔來到以東之前, 為以東的居民   
2) 以東地, 死海之南   
3) 在以東的一座山脈, 從死海延伸到Elanitic灣   
   3a) 顯然也叫'西珥山' 並延伸至整座山脈   
4) 在北猶大的一座山脈, 位於基列耶琳向西

08165 Se`iyr {say-eer'} formed like 08163; TWOT - 2274h,2274g AV - Seir 39; 39 Seir = "hairy" or "shaggy" n pr m 1) patriarch of the Horites, the inhabitants of Edom before the descendants of Esau, the Edomites n pr terr 2) the land of Edom, south of the Dead Sea n pr mont 3) a mountain range in Edom extending from the Dead Sea to the Elanitic Gulf 3a) apparently also called 'Mount Seir' and extending most of the distance of the mountain range itself 4) a mountain in northern Judah lying westward from Kirjath-jearim



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576