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08050 Sh@muw'el {sehm-oo-ale'}   
源於 08085 和 0410 的被動分詞;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Samuel 137, Shemuel 3; 140   
撒母耳 = "他的名是上帝"   
1) 以利加拿和他的妻子哈拿的兒子. 他是掃羅和大衛時的士師或先知.   
2) 亞米忽的兒子, 西緬支派的首領, 被撿選代表西緬支派參與分配迦   
   南地給各支派的工作. 名字拼作'示母利' ( #民 34:20| )   
3) 陀拉的兒子, 以薩迦的孫子. 名字拼作'示母利'  ( #代上 7:2| )

08050 Sh@muw'el {sehm-oo-ale'} from the pass part of 08085 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Samuel 137, Shemuel 3; 140 Samuel = "his name is El" 1) son of Elkanah by his wife Hannah and judge or prophet of Israel during the days of Saul and David 2) son Ammihud and the prince of the tribe of Simeon who was chosen to divide the land of Canaan between the tribes. Spelled 'Shemuel' 3) son of Tola and grandson of Issachar. Spelled 'Shemuel'

