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相關經文 回前一頁
08033 sham {shawm}   
   在那裡 (轉換到時間) 那時; TWOT - 2404; 副詞   
AV - there, therein, thither, whither, in it, thence, thereout; 10   
1) 在那裡, 到那邊(古用法)   
   1a) 在那裡   
   1b) 到那裡 (在動作動詞之後)   
   1c) 從那裡, 從那裡   
   1d) 那時 (作時間副詞)

08033 sham {shawm} a primitive particle [rather from the relative pronoun, 0834]; there (transferring to time) then; TWOT - 2404; adv AV - there, therein, thither, whither, in it, thence, thereout; 10 1) there, thither 1a) there 1b) thither (after verbs of motion) 1c) from there, thence 1d) then (as an adverb of time)



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