闽竒ゅ 玡
0783 'Artachshashta' {ar-takh-shash-taw'} ┪ 'Artachshasht'   
     {ar-takh-shasht'}; ┪ 猭跑传 'Artachshact' {ar-takh-shast'}   
窜﹚セ - Artaxerxes 15; 15   
ㄈ笷璃﹁ = "и盢ㄏ砆瘆胊猰乃: ぱи盢縀笆и"   
1) ㄈ繦緗ㄠ籔膥┯猧吹, 465-424 BC

0783 'Artachshashta' {ar-takh-shash-taw'} or 'Artachshasht' {ar-takh-shasht'}; or by permutation 'Artachshact' {ar-takh-shast'} of foreign origin;; n pr m AV - Artaxerxes 15; 15 Artaxerxes = "I will make the spoiled to boil: I will stir myself (in) winter" 1) son and successor of Xerxes as emperor of Persia, 465-424 BC

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