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05867 `Eylam {ay-lawm'} 或 `Owlam (# 拉 10:2; 耶 49:36|) {o-lawm'}   
可能源自 05956;   
欽定本 - Elam 28; 28   
以攔 = 「永生」   
1) 大衛王時代, 可拉族的利未人   
2) 便雅憫支派的首領   
3) 某家族的祖先, 其子孫流亡在外, 後來同著所羅巴伯回歸本地   
   (# 拉 2:1-3,7; 尼 7:12|)   
4) 首領名, 率領百姓跟尼希米立約 (# 尼 9:38-10:14|)   
5) 另一個家族的祖先, 其子孫流亡在外, 後來同著所羅巴伯回歸本地   
   (# 拉 2:31; 尼 7:34|)   
6) 尼希米時代, 耶路撒冷城牆行告成典禮的時候, 在旁協助的祭司   
   (# 尼 12:27-32,41-42|)   
7) 回歸的流亡猶太人當中, 某家族的另一個首領   
專有名詞 地名   
8) 省名, 位於巴比倫的東方, 底格里斯河下游流域的東北方 (# 但 8:2|)

05867 `Eylam {ay-lawm'} or `Owlam (Ezr 10:2; Jer 49:36) {o-lawm'} probably from 05956; AV - Elam 28; 28 Elam = "eternity" n pr m 1) a Korhite Levite in the time of David 2) a chief man of the tribe of Benjamin 3) ancestor of a family of exiles who returned with Zerubbabel 4) a chief of the people who signed the covenant with Nehemiah 5) another ancestor of another family of exiles who returned with Zerubbabel 6) a priest who assisted at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 7) another head of a family of returning exiles n pr loc 8) a province east of Babylon and northeast of the lower Tigris



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