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03568 Kuwsh {koosh}   
可能源自外語; TWOT - 969;   
欽定本 - Ethiopia 19, Cush 8, Ethiopians 3; 30   
古實 = "黑"   
1) 一個便雅敏人,僅見於詩篇第七篇的調號標題   
2) 含的兒子,挪亞的孫子,住在非洲南邊民族的始祖   
3) 古實的後裔   
專有名詞 地名   
4) 古實的子孫居住的地方, 大約是在尼羅河南邊附近(衣索比亞)

03568 Kuwsh {koosh} probably of foreign origin; TWOT - 969; AV - Ethiopia 19, Cush 8, Ethiopians 3; 30 Cush = "black" n pr m 1) a Benjamite mentioned only in the title of Ps 7 2) the son of Ham and grandson of Noah and the progenitor of the southernmost peoples located in Africa 3) the peoples descended from Cush n pr loc 4) the land occupied by the descendants of Cush located around the southern parts of the Nile (Ethiopia)



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