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03379 Yarob`am {yaw-rob-awm'}   
源自 07378 和 05971;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Jeroboam 104; 104   
耶羅波安= "鬥爭的人"   
1) 以色列北方王國的第一位國王,所羅門王死後除了猶大及便雅憫兩支派仍在   
   之下開始敬拜偶像 .   
2) 以色列北方王國的第八位國王,約阿施的兒子,是耶戶王朝的第四代,在他統治期間   

03379 Yarob`am {yaw-rob-awm'} from 07378 and 05971;; n pr m AV - Jeroboam 104; 104 Jeroboam = "the people will contend" 1) the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel when the kingdom split at the death of Solomon and the 10 tribes split off from Judah and Benjamin and the kingdom under Solomon's son Rehoboam; idolatry was introduced at the beginning of his reign 2) the 8th king of the northern kingdom of Israel, son of Joash, and 4th in the dynasty of Jehu; during his reign the Syrian invaders were repelled and the kingdom restored to its former borders but the idolatry of the kingdom was maintained



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576