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03335 yatsar {yaw-tsar'}   
可能完全同於 03334 (擠壓成形),   
   ([比較 03331]); TWOT - 898; 動詞   
欽定本 - form 26, potter 17, fashion 5, maker 4, frame 3, make 3,   
     former 2, earthen 1, purposed 1; 62   
1) 塑造, 製作, 建造   
   1a) (Qal) 來塑造, 製作   
       1a1) 關於人類活動   
       1a2) 關於神的活動   
            1a2a) 關於創造   
                  1a2a1) 初始的創造   
                  1a2a2) 個體在受孕時   
                  1a2a3) 關於以色列民族   
            1a2b) 來製造, 註定, 計劃 ( 比喻用法 神的目的在某情況中)   
   1b) (Niphal) 被塑造, 被創造   
   1c) (Pual) 被決定, 被註定   
   1d) (Hophal) 被建造

03335 yatsar {yaw-tsar'} probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape), ([compare 03331]); TWOT - 898; v AV - form 26, potter 17, fashion 5, maker 4, frame 3, make 3, former 2, earthen 1, purposed 1; 62 1) to form, fashion, frame 1a) (Qal) to form, fashion 1a1) of human activity 1a2) of divine activity 1a2a) of creation 1a2a1) of original creation 1a2a2) of individuals at conception 1a2a3) of Israel as a people 1a2b) to frame, pre-ordain, plan (fig. of divine) purpose of a situation) 1b) (Niphal) to be formed, be created 1c) (Pual) to be predetermined, be pre-ordained 1d) (Hophal) to be formed



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