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0302 'Achiythophel {akh-ee-tho'-fel}   
源自 0251 和 08602;; 陽性專有名詞   
AV - Ahithophel 20; 20   
亞希多弗 = "我兄弟是笨蛋(很蠢)"   
1) 大衛王的一位謀士, 拔示巴的祖父(參見 #撒 11:3;23:34|), 他在押沙龍背叛大衛   
   時投靠了押沙龍, 在所獻計策不被採納後, 自殺而死(#撒下 17:23|)

0302 'Achiythophel {akh-ee-tho'-fel} from 0251 and 08602;; n pr m AV - Ahithophel 20; 20 Ahithophel = "my brother is foolish (folly)" 1) a counsellor of David, grandfather of Bathsheba (cf 2Sa 11:3, 23:34), who joined Absalom in revolt against David, and committed suicide when Absalom did not heed his counsel

