闽竒ゅ 玡
0209 'Ownan {o-nawn'}   
0207 跑て;; 锭┦盡Τ迭   
AV - Onan 8; 8   
玐玭 = "眏Ё"   
1) 礢材ㄠ, ⊿Τ糹︽ゼ肚参璶―, ㎝稟稟┬,玱珿種   
   ぃτ⊿Τネ痙贺, τ砆炳甡

0209 'Ownan {o-nawn'} a variation of 0207;; n pr m AV - Onan 8; 8 Onan = "strong" 1) second son of Judah, slain by God for not fulfilling the levitical requirement to beget a child with the wife of a dead, childless brother

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