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02023 Hor {hore}   
02022 的另一型;; 複數名詞 地名   
AV - Hor 12; 12   
何珥 = "山"   
1) 山名, 亞倫逝世於此; 在亞拉巴山谷的東端, 是以東地沙岩山區   
   的最高點; 其東是古城佩特拉(Petra)之所在   
2) 此山作為以色列的子孫要去佔取之地的北界; 位在黎巴嫩境內

02023 Hor {hore} another form of 02022;; n pr loc AV - Hor 12; 12 Hor = "mountain" 1) the mountain on which Aaron died; situated on the eastern side of the valley of Arabah, the highest of the whole range of sandstone mountains in Edom; on the eastern side is the ancient city of Petra 2) the mountain named as one of the marks of the northern boundary of the land which the children of Israel were about to conquer; located in Lebanon



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576