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01263 Baruwk {baw-rook'}   
源自 01288 的被動分詞 ;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Baruch 26; 26   
巴錄 = "受祝福的"   
1) 耶利米的朋友, 書記, 也是耶利米的親信.   
2) 一個祭司, 薩拜的兒子, 他曾協助尼希米重建耶路撒冷的城牆 ( #尼 3:20| )   
3) 一個祭司或祭司家族, 曾在和尼希米定的公約上簽字 ( #尼 10:6| )   
4) 谷何西的兒子, 猶大的兒子法勒斯的後裔 ( #尼 11:5| )

01263 Baruwk {baw-rook'} pass. participle from 01288;; n pr m AV - Baruch 26; 26 Baruch = "blessed" 1) friend, amanuensis, and faithful attendant of Jeremiah 2) a priest, the son of Zabbai who assisted Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem 3) a priest, or family of priests, who signed the covenant with Nehemiah 4) son of Col-hozeh, a descendant of Perez or Pharez, the son of Judah

