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0780 'Ararat {ar-aw-rat'}   
ㄓ; TWOT - 169; 盡Τ迭    
窜﹚セ - Ararat 2, Armenia 2; 4   
ㄈ┰镁 = 篗綪禔〨: 禔〨   
1) さㄈェㄈ狥场跋办,  Araxes 猠籔 Van    
   ㎝ Oroomiah ㄢ打ぇ丁, ㄈよ︵程氨痙翴   
2) (TWOT) ㄈよ︵程氨硂畒

0780 'Ararat {ar-aw-rat'} of foreign origin; TWOT - 169; n pr loc AV - Ararat 2, Armenia 2; 4 Ararat = "the curse reversed: precipitation of curse" 1) a mountainous region of eastern Armenia, between the river Araxes and the lakes Van and Oroomiah, the site where Noah's ark came to rest 2) (TWOT) the mountain where Noah's ark came to rest

琩高綷弄╰参 琩高ㄤ竒ゅ 綷弄ㄤ竒ゅ