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相關經文 回前一頁
03458 Yishma`e'l {yish-maw-ale'}   
源自 08085 和 0410;; 陽性專有名詞   
欽定本 - Ishmael 48; 48   
以實瑪利 = "神會聽見"   
1) 亞伯拉罕和撒萊的使女夏甲所生的兒子, 咸信是阿拉伯人的祖先   
2) 尼探雅的兒子, 他是刺殺基大利的凶手 ( #王下 25:25| )   
3) 便雅憫人, 亞悉的兒子之一, 掃羅王的孫子米力巴力(或作米非波設)的後裔   
   (#代上 8:38;9:44|)    
4) 一位猶大人, 西巴第雅的父親 ( #代下 19:11| )   
5) 一位猶大人, 約哈難的兒子, 他是幫助耶何耶大恢復約阿施王權的軍長之一    
   (#代下 23:1|)   
6) 巴施戶珥的子孫之一, 身為祭司且娶了一個外邦女子為妻, 後被以斯拉強迫而   
   休了該女子 (#拉 10:22|)

03458 Yishma`e'l {yish-maw-ale'} from 08085 and 0410;; n pr m AV - Ishmael 48; 48 Ishmael = "God will hear" 1) son of Abraham and Sarah's handmaid Hagar and the progenitor of the Arabian peoples 2) son of Nethaniah and the murderer of Gedaliah 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Azel a descendant of Saul through Meribbaal or Mephibosheth 4) a Judaite, father of Zebadiah 5) a Judaite, son of Johanan and one of the captains who aided Jehoiada in restoring Joash to the throne 6) a priest of the family of Pashur with a foreign wife whom he was forced to put away by Ezra



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