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906 ballo {bal'-lo}   
現在式的; TDNT - 1:526,91; 動詞   
AV - cast 86, put 13, thrust 5, cast out 4, lay 3, lie 2, misc 12; 125   
1) 投擲,或讓一個東西離開,而不在意他會怎樣掉落。   
   1a)  撒,投擲,丟   
   1b) 給予關切,不求回報   
   1c) 關於流體   
2) to put into, insert

906 ballo {bal'-lo} a primary word; TDNT - 1:526,91; v AV - cast 86, put 13, thrust 5, cast out 4, lay 3, lie 2, misc 12; 125 1) to throw or let go of a thing without caring where it falls 1a) to scatter, to throw, cast into 1b) to give over to one's care uncertain about the result 1c) of fluids 1c1) to pour, pour into of rivers 1c2) to pour out 2) to put into, insert



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劃撥帳戶:財團法人台灣省中華基督教恩霖堂  帳號:16464576