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5438 phulake {foo-lak-ay'}   
源於 5442; TDNT - 9:241,1280; 陰性名詞   
AV - prison 36, watch 6, imprisonment 2, hold 1, cage 1, ward 1; 47   
1) 看護, 監管   
   1a) 監視, 看管   
       1a1) 看守   
   1b) 負責警戒的人, 衛兵, 哨兵   
   1c) 用以關被俘或被捉之人的地方, 牢房   
   1d) 指夜晚有人巡夜看守的時段, 一班夜哨(一更巡夜)的時間即指有守衛值班, 直到其下   
       一班的守衛來接班而下哨的時間. 早期時, 希臘人將一夜分成三個時段, 在被擄之前   
       , 以色列人亦在每晚安排有三個巡更的衛班; 但是到了羅馬統治的時代, 他們採行了   
       羅馬的習慣, 在每夜安排四個巡更的班次.   

5438 phulake {foo-lak-ay'} from 5442; TDNT - 9:241,1280; n f AV - prison 36, watch 6, imprisonment 2, hold 1, cage 1, ward 1; 47 1) guard, watch 1a) a watching, keeping watch 1a1) to keep watch 1b) persons keeping watch, a guard, sentinels 1c) of the place where captives are kept, a prison 1d) of the time (of night) during which guard was kept, a watch i.e. a period of time during which part of the guard was on duty, and at the end of which others relieved them. As the earlier Greeks divided the night commonly into three parts, so, previous to the exile, the Israelites also had three watches in a night; subsequently, however, after they became subject to the Romans, they adopted the Roman custom of dividing the night into four watches



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