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5302 hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o}   
源於 5306; TDNT - 8:592,1240; 動詞   
AV - lack 3, be behind 2, want 2, come short 1, be in want 1, fail 1,   
     come behind 1, be destitute 1, misc 4; 16   
1) 在...之後   
   1a) 來得遲或緩慢   
       1a1) 在競賽中被拋在後面而未達目標, 達不到目標   
       1a2) 隱喻. 未能成為分享者, 被退回拒絕   
   1b) 在能力, 影響力及等級上差一等的   
       1b1) 指人: 下級的, 較差的   
   1c) 失敗, 不符合標準的   
   1d) 有缺乏的, 不足   
2) 窮困, 缺乏...的, 缺少(或差勁)能力和財富   

5302 hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o} from 5306; TDNT - 8:592,1240; v AV - lack 3, be behind 2, want 2, come short 1, be in want 1, fail 1, come behind 1, be destitute 1, misc 4; 16 1) behind 1a) to come late or too tardily 1a1) to be left behind in the race and so fail to reach the goal, to fall short of the end 1a2) metaph. fail to become a partaker, fall back from 1b) to be inferior in power, influence and rank 1b1) of the person: to be inferior to 1c) to fail, be wanting 1d) to be in want of, lack 2) to suffer want, to be devoid of, to lack (be inferior) in excellence, worth



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