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450 anistemi {an-is'-tay-mee}   
源於 303 和 2476; TDNT - 1:368,60; 動詞   
AV - arise 38, rise 19, rise up 16, rise again 13, raise up 11,   
     stand up 8, raise up again 2, misc 5; 112   
1) 使升起, 興起   
   1a) 從傾倒中扶起   
   1b) 使從死亡中復活   
   1c) 興起, 生出, 出現, 帶向前   
2) 使起來, 使站起   
   2a) 指躺倒的人, 躺在地上的人   
   2b) 指坐著的人   
   2c) 指離開某地而到它處的人   
       2c1) 為旅程而準備的人   
   2d) 指死去的人   
3) 興起, 公開出現, 挺身, 起身(採取行動)   
   3a) 指王的先知, 祭司, 叛亂者的領袖   
   3b) 指挺身和人對話或爭辯, 或進行某個工作, 或試圖和他人對抗   
   3c) 為反抗任一人而起來

450 anistemi {an-is'-tay-mee} from 303 and 2476; TDNT - 1:368,60; v AV - arise 38, rise 19, rise up 16, rise again 13, raise up 11, stand up 8, raise up again 2, misc 5; 112 1) to cause to rise up, raise up 1a) raise up from laying down 1b) to raise up from the dead 1c) to raise up, cause to be born, to cause to appear, bring forward 2) to rise, stand up 2a) of persons lying down, of persons lying on the ground 2b) of persons seated 2c) of those who leave a place to go elsewhere 2c1) of those who prepare themselves for a journey 2d) of the dead 3) at arise, appear, stand forth 3a) of kings prophets, priests, leaders of insurgents 3b) of those about to enter into conversation or dispute with anyone, or to undertake some business, or attempt something against others 3c) to rise up against any one



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