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3874 paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis}   
源於 3870; TDNT - 5:773,778; 陰性名詞   
AV - consolation 14, exhortation 8, comfort 6, intreaty 1; 29   
1) 召見, 召集 (尤其指為了尋求幫助)   
2) 對內的(為自我的目的): 懇求, 乞求, 哀求   
3) 對外的(以他人為受詞): 勸諫, 訓誡, 鼓勵   
4) 撫卹品, 安慰物, 慰藉物: 能提供安慰或使重新振作的   
   4a) 指彌賽亞的拯救(故而拉比們稱彌賽亞為撫慰者, 慰問者)   
5) 有說服力的論說, 能激動人的演說   
   5a) 有啟發性的, 勸誡性的, 可撫慰人的, 有能力激勵人的 演說   

3874 paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis} from 3870; TDNT - 5:773,778; n f AV - consolation 14, exhortation 8, comfort 6, intreaty 1; 29 1) a calling near, summons, (esp. for help) 2) importation, supplication, entreaty 3) exhortation, admonition, encouragement 4) consolation, comfort, solace; that which affords comfort or refreshment 4a) thus of the Messianic salvation (so the Rabbis call the Messiah the consoler, the comforter) 5) persuasive discourse, stirring address 5a) instructive, admonitory, conciliatory, powerful hortatory discourse



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