闽竒ゅ 玡
3606 hothen {hoth'-en}   
方 3739, ㎝ボㄓ方钡妮ㄏノ;; 捌迭   
AV - wherefore 4, from whence 3, whereupon 3, where 2, whence 1,   
     from thence 1, whereby 1; 15   
1) 方, τ   
   1a) ┮癬方よ   
   1b) 琘ㄆ癬方, 虑, 珿   
   1c) パ, , ,    

3606 hothen {hoth'-en} from 3739 with the directive enclitic of source;; adv AV - wherefore 4, from whence 3, whereupon 3, where 2, whence 1, from thence 1, whereby 1; 15 1) from which, whence 1a) of the place from which 1b) of the source from which a thing is known, from which, whereby 1c) of the cause from which, for which reason, wherefore, on which account

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