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2641 kataleipo {kat-al-i'-po}   
源於 2596 和 3007; TDNT - 4:194,523; 動詞   
AV - leave 22, forsake 2, reserve 1; 25   
1) 撇下其他而離去   
   1a) 分開, 離開   
       1a1) 被遺留下   
   1b) 命令, 爭取(一人)待下   
   1c) 放棄, 不再關心某人而把他的事留給他自己去處理, 遺棄, 在其危急時棄之不顧   
       1c1) 被遺棄, 被放棄   
   1d) 使被留下, 保留, 保存   
   1e) 就像我們說"拋下, 遺留", 用以指某人要離開某地而不能帶他人同行   
       1e1) 尤其指去世 (留下身後的一切而去了)   
   1f) 就如我們說的"不理釆", 不干擾, 忽視   
       1f1) 指某些人經過某地而不停留

2641 kataleipo {kat-al-i'-po} from 2596 and 3007; TDNT - 4:194,523; v AV - leave 22, forsake 2, reserve 1; 25 1) to leave behind 1a) to depart from, leave 1a1) to be left 1b) to bid (one) to remain 1c) to forsake, leave to one's self a person or thing by ceasing to care for it, to abandon, leave in the lurch 1c1) to be abandoned, forsaken 1d) to cause to be left over, to reserve, to leave remaining 1e) like our "leave behind", it is used of one who on being called away cannot take another with him 1e1) especially of the dying (to leave behind) 1f) like our "leave", leave alone, disregard 1f1) of those who sail past a place without stopping



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