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2501 Ioseph {ee-o-safe'}   
源於希伯來字 03130;;陽性專有名詞   
AV - Joseph (husband of Mary) 16, Joseph (son of Jacob) 9,   
     Joseph of Arimathaea 6, Joseph (son of Judas) 1,   
     Joseph of Barsabas 1, Joseph son of Jonan 1,   
     Joseph (son of Mattathias) 1; 35   
約瑟 = "任他增添"   
1) 族長之一, 雅各的第十一個兒子   
2) 約南的兒子, 基督的祖先之一(#路 3:30|)   
3) 猶大的兒子, 耶穌的另一個祖先(#路 3:26|)   
4) 瑪他提亞的兒子, 另一位基督的祖先(#路 3:25|)   
5) 耶穌的母親馬利亞的丈夫 (#太 1:16|)   
6) 耶穌的兄弟約西 (#太 13:55|)   
7) 亞利馬太的約瑟, 公會中的人, 是支持耶穌的人 (#太 27:57,59;可 15:43,45|)   
8) 被稱作巴拿巴的約瑟 (#徒 4:36|)   
9) 稱為巴撒巴的約瑟, 又叫作猶七都 (#徒 1:23|)

2501 Ioseph {ee-o-safe'} of Hebrew origin 03130;; n pr m AV - Joseph (husband of Mary) 16, Joseph (son of Jacob) 9, Joseph of Arimathaea 6, Joseph (son of Judas) 1, Joseph of Barsabas 1, Joseph son of Jonan 1, Joseph (son of Mattathias) 1; 35 Joseph = "let him add" 1) the patriarch, the eleventh son of Jacob 2) the son of Jonan or Jonam, one of the ancestors of Christ, Lk 3:30 3) the son of Judah [or Judas; better Joda] another ancestor of Jesus, Lk 3:26 4) the son of Mattathias, another ancestor of Christ, Lk 3:24 5) the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus 6) a half-brother of Jesus Mat. 13:55 7) Joseph of Arimathaea, a member of the Sanhedrin, who favoured Jesus. Mt. 27:57,59; Mk 15:43,45 8) Joseph surnamed Barnabas Acts 4:36 9) Joseph call Barsabas and surnamed Justus, Acts 1:23



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