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2455 Ioudas {ee-oo-das'}   
源自希伯來文03063; 陽性名詞   
AV - Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob)  1,   
     Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3,   
     Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3,   
     Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 4; 45   
猶大 = "他要受讚美"   
1) 雅各的第四個兒子   
2) 基督的一名祖先   
3) 一名加利利人,在一次人口調查的時候,在加利利發起暴動 (#徒 5:37|)   
4) 大馬色的某個猶太人 (#徒 9:11|)   
5) 在耶路撒冷教會的一位來自巴撒巴的先知 (#徒 15:22,27,32|)   
6) 使徒,又名利拜烏或達太 (#約 14:22|),有人認為是他寫了猶大書   
7) 耶穌的兄弟 (#太 13:55|)   
8) 加略人猶大--出賣耶穌的使徒

2455 Ioudas {ee-oo-das'} of Hebrew origin 03063;; n m AV - Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob) 1, Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3, Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3, Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 4; 45 Judah or Judas = "he shall be praised" 1) the fourth son of Jacob 2) an unknown ancestor of Christ 3) a man surnamed the Galilean, who at the time of the census of Quirinus, excited the revolt in Galilee, Acts 5:37 4) a certain Jew of Damascus, Acts 9:11 5) a prophet surnamed Barsabas, of the church at Jerusalem, Acts 15:22,27,32 6) the apostle, Jn 14:22, who was surnamed Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus, and according to opinion wrote the Epistle of Jude. 7) the half-brother of Jesus, Mt. 13:55 8) Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus



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