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1680 elpis {el-pece'}   
源於字根 elpo (期待的意思, 通常是指以喜悅歡欣的心情; TDNT - 2:517,229; 陰性名詞   
AV - hope 53, faith 1; 54   
1) 期盼會遭逢壞事, 懼怕   
2) 期盼會遇到好事, 希望   
   2a) 對基督教而言   
       2a1) 指期望永生的救恩而歡喜及充滿信心   
3) 希望, 期望, 有指望   
   3a) 盼望的主, 或盼望足以為基石的那一位   
   3b) 盼望的事

1680 elpis {el-pece'} from a primary elpo (to anticipate, usually with pleasure); TDNT - 2:517,229; n f AV - hope 53, faith 1; 54 1) expectation of evil, fear 2) expectation of good, hope 2a) in the Christian sense 2a1) joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation 3) on hope, in hope, having hope 3a) the author of hope, or he who is its foundation 3b) the thing hoped for



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