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1504 eikon {i-kone'}   
源於 1503; TDNT - 2:381,203; 陰性名詞   
AV - image 23; 23   
1) 像, 外形, 外表   
  1a) 事物的形像(指天國中的事物)   
      1a1) 用以指新造的人在德行上和神的相似   
      1a2) 神子的形象, 指真基督徒所被改造成的樣子, 不只是和天國中的靈物相似,    
           共且是達到一種心智上的絕對聖潔, 就像是基督的樣子   
  1b) 一個人的外貌, 形象   
      1b1) 指和所見過的某人很像   
      1b2) 用於指有指揮權柄, 有地位的人   
      1b3) 用以指基督基潔的本質和至高的德行   

1504 eikon {i-kone'} from 1503; TDNT - 2:381,203; n f AV - image 23; 23 1) an image, figure, likeness 1a) an image of the things (the heavenly things) 1a1) used of the moral likeness of renewed men to God 1a2) the image of the Son of God, into which true Christians are transformed, is likeness not only to the heavenly body, but also to the most holy and blessed state of mind, which Christ possesses 1b) the image of one 1b1) one in whom the likeness of any one is seen 1b2) applied to man on account of his power of command 1b3) to Christ on account of his divine nature and absolute moral excellence



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