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4733 stereoma {ster-eh'-o-mah}   
源自 4732; TDNT - 7:609,1077; 中性名詞   
AV - stedfastness 1; 1   
1) 使堅定   
   1a) 穹蒼, 天空的拱形, 早期天空被視為固體   
       1a1) 防衛處   
   1b) 設根基   
       1b1) 事物站得穩, 支撐   
   1c) 堅定, 穩固   
       1c1) 隱喻. 軍事意思: 穩固前線

4733 stereoma {ster-eh'-o-mah} from 4732; TDNT - 7:609,1077; n n AV - stedfastness 1; 1 1) that which has been made firm 1a) the firmament, the arch of the sky, which in early times was thought to be solid 1a1) a fortified place 1b) that which furnishes a foundation 1b1) on which a thing rests firmly, support 1c) firmness, steadfastness 1c1) metaph. in a military sense: solid front

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