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4269 progonos {prog'-on-os}   
源自 4266;; 形容詞   
AV - parent 1, forefather 1; 2   
1) 以前出生的, 較老   
   1a) 祖先 (#提前 5:4;提後 1:3|)    
   1b) 母親   
   1c) 祖父母   
   1d) 曾祖父母 (如果他們還活著的話)

4269 progonos {prog'-on-os} from 4266;; adj AV - parent 1, forefather 1; 2 1) born before, older 1a) of ancestors 1b) of a mother 1c) of grandparents 1d) of great-grand parents (if they are still alive)

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