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4087 pikraino {pik-rah'-ee-no}   
源自 4089; TDNT - 6:122,839; 動詞   
AV - make bitter 2, be bitter 2; 4   
1) 製造苦味   
   1a) 胃溢出苦味   
2) 使痛苦難受. 使惱怒   
   2a) 報以怒氣, 氣憤   
   2b) 被激怒, 引起不愉快   
   2c) 悲痛的造訪, 使悲傷苦惱 (以苦毒待之)

4087 pikraino {pik-rah'-ee-no} from 4089; TDNT - 6:122,839; v AV - make bitter 2, be bitter 2; 4 1) to make bitter 1a) to produce a bitter taste in the stomach 2) to embitter. exasperate 2a) render angry, indignant 2b) to be embittered, irritated 2c) to visit with bitterness, to grieve (deal bitterly with)
